Example sentences of "the questions [pers pn] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 A DETAILED questionnaire covering a variety of issues on the subject of women in rock was sent to a cross-section of female musicians , with instructions to answer the questions they felt most moved by .
2 Two weeks later the same students were called together and reminded of the questions they had been unable to answer .
3 It was just interesting to do and , you know , the questions they asked
4 At the time when we were at work , interest in what we did was widespread and encouraging because the area in which we were engaged and the questions we addressed seemed to many people important .
5 Returning to the questions we posed at the outset of this enquiry , we would , therefore , have to conclude that anti-Semitism , despite its pivotal place in Hitler 's ‘ world view ’ , was of only secondary importance in cementing the bonds between Führer and people which provided the Third Reich with its popular legitimation and base of plebiscitary acclamation .
6 The questions we considered required that an in vivo model be developed for measurement of transit across the ileocolonic junction and colon .
7 And the questions she asked !
8 The questions she asked herself were always the same .
9 The questions she had feared earlier seemed to be taking physical shape in the shadowy corners of the room , phantoms waiting to trap her if she dropped her guard for so much as a second .
10 About ten years ; over five hundred visits : and such was the silver-plated delicacy of her politeness , she had not once asked the questions she longed to ask .
11 The justification for wishing to unmask these hidden features of Marx 's work is obvious , since an awareness of the questions he failed to ask would enable us to understand more clearly what he was trying to do , and what he regarded as a satisfactory answer to his dilemmas .
12 The questions he had to ask now were practical ones , to do with comfort and nursing , and the mediciner answered them .
13 There can be little doubt that Picasso was excited by the work that Braque brought back to Paris from l'Estaque in which he was drawing such original answers from the questions he had been putting to Cézanne 's art .
14 It was the questions he implied rather than their apparently subjectivist formulation that ensured his place in current history .
15 Florian 's face had lit up and the questions he started asking fizzed with enthusiasm , but Maria knew that the exchange would only drive his restlessness into temporary remission , not cure it .
16 Shown concurrently , and devised to complement each other , both were informed by Rozsika parker 's work : the historical exhibition with its insistence on a social context for embroidery in which class and gender are central ; the contemporary exhibition for the questions it attempted to pose about the relationship between women , textiles , and femininity , and , implicitly , the hierarchical and gendered value system of the visual arts .
17 Claiming SCI is five times faster than Futurebus+ , Dolphin marketing director Lars Lauritzsen says ‘ Futurebus+ has been quite a disappointment … for us the questions it set to answer remain unsolved ’ .
18 I felt ashamed of the questions I had asked at Agia Varvara .
19 One of the questions I asked myself was what could possibly have gone wrong ?
20 All the questions I asked at the beginning were concerned with the Old testament passage and started ‘ Why ? ’ .
21 The questions I asked were are what are they feeling ?
22 I also jot down the questions I did answer and ask myself if my answers were open or closed .
23 These were the questions I wanted to put when I sought him out in France .
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