Example sentences of "the questions [prep] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The questions on it are open-ended and allow space for recruits from all backgrounds to express their interest in and suitability for CAB advice work .
2 But Brown Owl forgot that one of the questions on it asked how old you are and that it is rude to ask a lady how old she is .
3 Is that the real reason you tried so hard to keep us apart ? ’ he barked the questions at her in a harsh undertone .
4 They went over all , while they were doing this work and he gave us a sheet last week , we were doing all the questions this week and he went over all the questions with us !
5 If you do n't feel like phoning send an sae to Metro 1.4s Questions , Daily Mirror , Blackhorse Road , London SE99 7TY and we 'll send the questions to you .
6 If you do n't want to phone , send an sae to Metro 1.1s Questions , Daily Mirror , Blackhorse Road , London SE99 7TY and we 'll send the questions to you .
7 At the very outset of his charge to the jury , the trial judge told them that the questions for them were : ‘ Firstly , have the Crown proved beyond a reasonable doubt that the first accused assaulted and murdered the deceased … ? ’
8 Sometimes erm given me the questions and sometimes answering the questions for me , its always informing me and over the last few years I 've erm , I said that to try and understand erm , how to use this information in my own work as , as a writer , and I see , I see parallels in all forms of art , communication is of course one , erm and the need to recognise and respond the plight of others is , is another area and the area that as a writer I 'm particularly drawn too .
9 His performance , Lewis said , answered most of the questions about him .
10 The questions regarding us as citizens have been about the likely impact of ‘ the wired society ’ on such matters as individual privacy ; the distribution of income , wealth , and power within any one society ; and relations between developed countries and the Third World .
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