Example sentences of "the workers ' [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It looks like any high street sweatshop except for the light streaming through the huge windows looking across Paris , the dummies bearing the names an exact shapes of various famous models and customers , and the quiet pride in the workers ' faces as they attach elaborately-tooled gold leather to a bustier , hand-embroidered velvet details to a pocket flap , a mink trim to an underskirt .
2 Mr Jan Jozef Lipsky , a veteran Polish socialist and a co-founder of KOR , the Workers ' Defence Committee , says of Mr Balcerowicz 's programme , ‘ When the car 's in a sharp turn , you do n't snatch the wheel . ’
3 The regime became increasingly draconian in its attempts to deal with the problems it was confronting ; the society , in turn , began to establish public associations of all kinds , most notably the workers ' defence committee ( KSS-KOR ) , which were independent of party and state control .
4 This new legislation would create , in particular : a right for users of public services to restrain unlawful industrial action ; the provision of a right for union members to obtain more information on their unions ' financial affairs , including union leaders ' salaries ; protection against the use of what are called ‘ check-off ’ arrangements under which subscriptions to the union are deducted from the workers ' pay ; and greater freedom for people to join the union of their choice .
5 Even before the Court of Investigation confirmed the workers ' stand , the trade unions had smelled the scent of victory .
6 The country worker who came to town lost much of his independence , in spite of the long-established guilds , which had existed from the past to watch over the workers ' interests .
7 As the weeks go by she begins to receive visitors at the refuge and when she begins to feel the marriage is over , with the workers ' help she starts negotiating with the council and housing associations for a new flat , although she also feels the refuge is home , a safe space that is becoming more and more difficult to leave .
8 The change in the nature of the workers ' skill comes about , claims Mallet , because old craft-based skills of general applicability are replaced by skills needed to operate specific pieces of machinery .
9 It is suggested by Pederson-Krag that the workers ' rivalry is stimulated in order to overcome their aversion to effort and resentment of the authority that makes their work life what it is .
10 Although she no longer dominated the proceedings , Tamar was certain that it was the older woman 's presence which dampened the workers ' enthusiasm and made the meal and the dancing which followed , restrained and formal .
11 Strong words were exchanged with the latter band by the organisers , who demanded a quick piece of historical rewriting to expunge this accidental slur on the workers ' state .
12 On the other hand , the remaining disorganisation , lack of solidarity , individualism , parochial narrow-mindedness and the defects of capitalist society are apparent in the form of the failure to understand general proletarian tasks , which are expressed most forcibly in the tasks and demands of the Soviet dictatorship , the workers ' state .
13 Because the additional quantity of products which must flow into our heavy industry has to be taken from outside , not from within the sphere of heavy industry itself , which is in the hands of the workers ' state , but from elsewhere , from other external sources , whatever the price we have to pay .
14 From the workers ' state to ‘ all Serbs in one state ’ was his boast — and threat , if Yugoslavia disintegrated .
15 Last night however , crowds gathered round the workers ' militia standing by their trucks , trying to include them — sometimes successfully — in conversations about the need for change .
16 AS 70,000 East Germans streamed through Leipzig on Monday night in the largest demonstration the German Democratic Republic has ever seen , a few marchers approached the line of the workers ' militia units , on standby in a side-street there .
17 Just an hour or so earlier , many demonstrators had been worried by rumours that the workers ' militia might open fire on the crowds .
18 To defuse this near state of lawlessness , the Interior Ministry has ordered the abolition of the workers ' militia in factories .
19 To defuse this near state of lawlessness , the Interior Ministry has ordered the abolition of the workers ' militia in factories .
20 To defuse what is almost a state of lawlessness , the Interior Ministry has ordered the abolition of the workers ' militia in factories .
21 Instead of relying upon the workers ' militia and the election of officers , Trotsky and his acolytes created a Red Army modelled on thoroughly traditional lines .
22 This time the employers ' resistance was rigid and the workers ' ability to go without pay was soon exhausted .
23 And the workers ' skills in the giant rolling mills and small cutlery works add even more to the value of the products .
24 With hindsight , it is clear that at the time we did not fully grasp the real significance of the workers ' position .
25 The Workers ' Travel Association was set up to give workers the opportunity to travel ; it began in a modest way but by the 1950s had become a worldwide organization .
26 Overlapping the provision of the Holiday Fellowship and the CTC , sharing the mood of internationalism current through the period and blurring the boundaries between quasi-philanthropism and commercial enterprise such as Thomas Cook and Billy Butlin , was the Workers ' Travel Association ( WTA ) .
27 Organizations with a political outlook , such as the Workers ' Unity Bloc , the Progressive Workers ' Bloc and the Workers ' Youth Movement all became targets for harassment .
28 A Lurgan solicitor who could speak menacing words in a slow quiet voice , he had come close to the leadership of the Unionist Party , had held cabinet office and retained good links with the paramilitaries and the workers ' leaders who had planned and organized the 1974 strike .
29 At the international level by world revolution which , by breaking the isolation of the workers ' states , will provide an effective antidote to bureaucratization .
30 From a wider perspective , the restless tides that govern world trade and industry make plant closures as well as new plant openings inevitable and healthy , and only the neanderthals that believe that it is management 's function to provide jobs for life , and the workers ' function to make management 's life as hard as possible would argue otherwise .
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