Example sentences of "the problems that have " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I do n't argue the pros and cons of public or private investment per se , but in view of the problems that have arisen it seems to me that if the Government has talked up the price by making rather loud commitments to potential voters , perhaps the Government should spend some of our money overcoming those problems , ’ he said .
2 Their teacher has said that the project ‘ has opened their eyes to the problems that have to be met by the elderly and disabled . ’
3 His address , delivered with the entire government and his wife Elena lined up behind him , did nothing to tackle the problems that have sparked discontent .
4 This will convey some impression of the philosophy and practice of user education in UK higher education libraries , while illuminating some of the problems that have exercised ( and continue to exercise ) the minds of the librarians and research workers in this field .
5 The problems that have beset the project , however , are a result not of misjudgement or incompetence but of real difficulties associated with infrared astronomy , which have meant that IRAS has required certain aspects of space technology to be developed well beyond previous limits .
6 The telescope for IRAS , built in the US , overcomes these basic problems by carrying with it its own giant cooling system , around which have centred some of the problems that have delayed IRAS .
7 Perhaps this is a reflection of the problems that have plagued nuclear fission .
8 So far , it has made me reassuringly hoarse as TML , the builders , and Eurotunnel , the operator , blame each other for the problems that have arisen .
9 Despite the problems that have faced the invoice discounters , discounting has remained the most buoyant part of the factoring market .
10 Despite all the problems that have been discussed in relation to the basic assumptions of classical criminology , I have emphasised that they have stemmed mostly from the way they were interpreted , and from their underdevelopment .
11 The problems that have been identified in British medical education are not unique , and many of the proposed solutions have already been implemented elsewhere .
12 We shall look in turn at the background to the allocation of the present services , the criteria adopted for the distribution of services during the reorganisation years in the early 1970s , the present position , and the problems that have arisen since reorganisation .
13 Erm there 's been a reduction er , in the er , staff er because er er people have moved on and er , I take Sue 's point about er if it were n't for the fact that erm they 'd got fully e e experienced staff who 've been there some time , they have n't , not used to this churning over o of , and therefore , that has paid off in er in er in erm so far as being able to deal with the problems that have arisen and er , you 'll see further on er , addition profiles of the work that 's been done with er in this area over the town .
14 The problems that have arisen in applying the principles of the law of negligence to the facts of a case such as the present result from the following matters .
15 How will it help the people of Cynon valley the poorest district in Wales , the district with most of the problems that have been identified in the surveys conducted for HTV by the Cardiff Business school , and the area where 60 per cent .
16 I wish that I had found the Opposition 's citizens charter a little more convincing , but half the ideas that they put forward in their citizens charter , as a spoiling exercise to the Government 's , were already in operation and the other half were vague promises and side-stepping some of the problems that have been created by Labour-controlled local authorities up and down the country .
17 It is of great credit to the Committee that it describes the situation so clearly and that it points out many of the problems that have come about as a result of Government policy towards private residential care over the past few years .
18 I will not say that much of this debate has been irrelevant , because that sounds as if I am dismissing what has been said , which I am not , but it is irrelevant in the context of 1993 , because the advent of the new system will answer many of the problems that have been identified .
19 With regard to the Bill before us today , education is a most important issue and I doubt whether the House , despite the intentions of the few who are actively interested , has looked at the problems that have arisen .
20 Viewed in this light we consider it important that the movement as a whole should adopt a balanced approach to the problems that have arisen .
21 We could have created a fairer system without incidentally , the problems that have been referred to in earlier debates of trying to redraw boundaries at such short notice er before the European elections .
22 We now have in place a new estates officer for Cherry Hinton er can I ask that that there is a special report brought to the housing committee er before the summer recess on the possible solutions to the problems that have been identified ?
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