Example sentences of "the study [conj] they " in BNC.

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1 Families from Aberdeen , Glasgow and Edinburgh were included in the study after they were referred by medical practitioners who knew of a strong family history of the disease .
2 Patients were excluded from the study if they were pregnant or lactating , if they were expecting to undergo surgery , or if they had a history of concurrent gastric ulceration , renal insufficiency , alcoholism ( pure ethanol intake greater than 100 ml/day ( women ) or 120 ml/day ( men ) , or behaviour consistent with alcohol abuse ) , drug abuse , or language difficulties .
3 Subjects were excluded from the study if they suffered from any debilitating or life threatening disease , including invasive cancer .
4 Patients were not included in the study if they had undergone previous gastric surgery or if they were receiving cytotoxic drugs or >5 mg/day prednisolone .
5 The spinal patients were instructed to empty their bowels in their usual manner the night before the test while the normal subjects were encouraged to defecate before the study if they felt the need to do so .
6 Patients were excluded from the study if they were already taking steroids , had evidence of intestinal perforation , significant intestinal obstruction , toxic megacolon , massive gastrointestinal haemorrhage , or mid-jejunal fistulas that precluded the use of enteral nutrition .
7 Treatment with sedative antihistamines was continued throughout the study if they were in use on entry .
8 Patients were excluded from the study if they had received mithramycin , calcitonin , steroids , or any other antihypercalcaemic agent within 14 days ; received chemotherapy within 14 days , or had a change or introduction of hormone treatment within 6 weeks ; a serum creatinine 200 mol/L after hydration ; or were pregnant .
9 Fourth year pupils were the principal subjects of the study as they would be members of their school for a full school year and were likely to have a lower absentee rate than the fifth year .
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