Example sentences of "the result [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The three offences seem to provide a ‘ ladder ’ but , once again , the distinctions between them vary considerably , with section 23 being more concerned about the result than about D's fault .
2 Breeze and Gay had printed their handbills with great care , and had painted their board most beautifully — with the result that on the following Sunday afternoon the entire population of Overclyst and Clyst St George filed past Sunset Cottage in slow procession , gazing open-mouthed at the birthplace of such a surprising scheme .
3 Notice that in deriving this expression we have used the result that on summation the expressions in cancel out because they represent relative demand shocks which sum to zero .
4 Billeting allowances were available to cover the cost of hosting an evacuee ( for unaccompanied children , 10s 6d per week for the first child , 8s 6d each for subsequent children ) and billeting officers had powers of compulsion to utilise appropriate accommodation , but most , being from the locality themselves , preferred to ruffle as few feathers as possible — with the result that on arrival many evacuees found themselves in a scene ‘ reminiscent of a cross between an early Roman slave market and Selfridge 's bargain basement ’ , as one witness put it .
5 When he looked up the light was pearly and the sky a blue so tender he could hardly take his eyes off it , with the result that on several occasions he collided with people coming the other way .
6 The egalitarian implications of this announcement led the Governor-General of Moscow to ask the tsar for clarification , with the result that on 30 March Alexander made the oral remarks which are usually taken to represent the beginning of the emancipation process .
7 The course was also marketed extensively overseas , with the result that of the current 454 members , 20% are resident abroad .
8 Mine comes from peaty moorland and the pH is too low with the result that over the years copper pipework corrodes in places , especially at low points .
9 Now at last this has been achieved , first in Scotland by the Law Reform ( Parent and Child ) ( Scotland ) Act 1986 , and then in England and Wales by the Family Law Reform Act 1987 , with the result that in law there is now no distinction made between those born in and those born out of wedlock .
10 Again , it was the darkest ones that survived best , with the result that in a few generations the peppered moths living near the big industrial cities were nearly all black .
11 Having barely attained his majority he was returned to the first Exclusion Parliament for Radnorshire , and , although knighted by Charles II in 1680 , threw himself with an almost desperate zeal into the cause of Exclusion , with the result that in 1683 he went into voluntary exile in Holland , suspected of complicity in the Rye House plot .
12 In 1701 – 2 , the Whig mayor of the small corporation of Wilton , Wiltshire , created nineteen new burgesses , all of whom were Dissenters who did not even qualify under the terms of the Corporation Act , with the result that in 1702 he was able to reverse the defeat suffered by the Whigs in the election of the previous year .
13 The council itself proved a largely inactive body , with the result that from 1829 to 1844 he was able , thanks to his personal authority , to become the chief administrator , lawmaker , and , indeed , virtual ruler of the Gold Coast .
14 By manipulating the number of days in the intercalary month they could prolong a term of office or hasten an election , with the result that by the time of Julius Caesar the civil year was about three months out of phase with the astronomical year , so that the winter months fell in the autumn and the spring equinox came in the winter .
15 The old Whig platform for constitutional reform was slowly taken up by the London Tories , with the result that by the last years of Anne 's reign they had largely absorbed their opponents ' former libertarian rhetoric .
16 Approaches were then made to Brian Cubbon , the Permanent Under Secretary at the Home Office responsible for criminal matters , with the result that within three weeks of publication the Home Secretary Willie Whitelaw announced to the House of Commons that because of continued unease about the case and after discussions with the Lord Chief Justice , he had ordered the release of Cooper and McMahon from prison .
17 A gratified chairman of the England Committee registers his pleasure at the result and for the facts that good sportsmanship prevailed and England fielded some young players successfully .
18 Thus the task required the children to infer the intention , on the basis of knowledge of the result and of the action-result relation , while at the same time maintaining the distinction between the intention and the result .
19 For all that , the result as in 1983 was not in doubt .
20 In fact , officials and competitors were devastated by the result as in the past , this venue has always offered bumper roach bags for all .
21 It can also be seen from the results that as the level of processing increases , the ability to recognise a word correctly increasingly exceeds the ability to recognise words that do not fulfill the task .
22 Of course tomorrow 's Gold Cup day at Cheltenham and this time tomorrow we 'll be back with the results and of course all the highlights .
23 you know , look at the results and to effectively try and to sort of like estimate them .
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