Example sentences of "the next moment [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Silver moved quickly , and the next moment we were with them .
2 Sometimes they will walk fast , even running from place to place , and then they will skip or hop , and the next moment they will be walking quite slowly ( much to their mothers ' annoyance ) .
3 The next moment something heavy came clattering down the stairs .
4 The next moment he let out a cry , of disbelief and joy , similar to hers .
5 He frowned at this suspected future injustice , but the next moment he remembered the siege and the fact that there was every chance that he would not live to suffer the humiliations of old age , and his thoughts promptly took a different line : " After so many hardships , how sad to be deprived of the tranquil evening of one 's life ! "
6 The next moment he was climbing from the bed , the ferocity of his passion still evident on him .
7 But then the other man seemed to regain control of himself , for the next moment he was shinning up the rope as though he had just realised his life depended on it — quite literally !
8 One moment he 's all smiles , the next moment he snaps my head off . ’
9 For the next moment he was kissing her and she was instantly realising that nothing quite so exciting had ever happened to her before .
10 The next moment he was inside and she was closing the door behind him , then leading him along the narrow hallway towards the living-room .
11 This she did , however , rather rapidly and the next moment I found she had overtaken me and was standing before me , effectively barring my way .
12 The next moment I was on the floor and one was kicking me and the other was hitting me in the face .
13 One moment I was poor , the next moment I was wealthy .
14 I looked up and saw a big-ribbed canopy of light pink and white descending over me , and the next moment I felt myself drawn downward , feet first , and I realised that I was being swallowed by a whale .
15 The next moment I jumped back against the wall , trembling with fear and horror .
16 The next moment I heard the confident heel taps behind me .
17 The next moment she jumped up , almost angrily , as though she had been trapped into a softness that she did not mean .
18 The next moment she had her face under control , turning towards the door with a polite smile .
19 The next moment she was a shocked spectator , seeing them both as something in a theatre , perhaps ballet dancers pretending to be puppets .
20 ‘ Well , you 're going to the bottom , you disgusting old bag , ’ screamed Perdita , and the next moment she had butted Enid in the small of a very large back right into the swimming-pool .
21 The next moment she was running up his outstretched legs , then flapping up his sweater and finally she was sitting inelegantly on his head .
22 The next moment she was gone and when Anne learnt of the devastation of the city she could understand Maureen 's rage at her innocent question .
23 He raised his head and she thought he looked as dazed as she felt , but the next moment she knew she had been mistaken .
24 The next moment she was in his arms and he had kicked the door shut behind him .
25 She heard a groan leave him , and in the next moment his mouth was over hers again , and he was pulling her yet closer to him , his hand warm at her back , moulding her to him .
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