Example sentences of "[am/are] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I stress I am not referring to this incident , but ball-tampering must never be allowed to happen again .
2 In this section , I am not referring to those blocks in the memory which the subconscious mind has created to prevent the subject remembering some deeply traumatic incident in his or her past .
3 But if I am not misled by this convention , it will in my own case be sufficient grounds for choice that it is the impulse to abstain which prevails when I am fully aware of the danger .
4 ‘ I am not walking to any hut with you , ’ she assured him with icy defiance .
5 I am not talking about that kind of quietness ; rather the loneliness of people who feel quite cut off from God , from others , from society .
6 Fortunately I am not driven to this expedient that often , because I have many other stratagems that I have devised for attaining the same object .
7 But sadly the works of art are not destined for any gallery … they remain a very private and personal part of Kylie 's life .
8 Overall , fourteen high intensity blockage sites ( mole fraction greater than 0.025 ) were identified in the regions probed from the UV5 and N25 promoters and twelve of these are summarised in Fig. 5 in the form of a bidirectional transcription footprint ( note that sites at 106 and 110 from the UV5 promoter are not represented on this summation since they are outside of the region probed by the N25 promoter ) .
9 It is only after listening again to my tape-recording of our meeting that I hear him eventually say in his educated , upper-class Dublin accent : ‘ Well , over 90 per cent of people who get raped are not injured in that rape . ’
10 Stretchy long tube skirts are an alternative , but they too are impractical : if you sit for most of the day you will undoubtedly get knee-bagging , and they are not flattering to most posteriors .
11 Stretchy long tube skirts are an alternative , but they too are impractical : if you sit for most of the day you will undoubtedly get knee-bagging , and they are not flattering to most posteriors .
12 Supervision is vital in maintaining the highest standards : every Rentokil branch has dedicated supervisors as well as drawing on field biologists and quality assurance inspectors whose salaries are not related to any trading performance incentive .
13 Partnership may turn out to have a relatively long life but are not formed on that expectation .
14 These creatures may be just human beings , or just animals or a mixture of both , but which , in this instance , and ignoring for the purposes of this chapter those deviations which we call perversions , are not affected by any element of sexual attraction .
15 γ Os values are not affected by this change , and the ‘ mantle ’ 187 Os/ 188 Os value adopted here ( 0.12776 ) is consistent with 187 Os/ 186 Os=1.060 at the present day .
16 Historic cost profits shown on page 37 are not affected by this change .
17 And we will ensure that our controls against drug-trafficking are not weakened by any changes in Europe .
18 We are not engaged in any sort of crusade .
19 The first problem here is that the brevity of Scaevola 's response ( even by his standards three words is modest ) leaves it unclear whether he means that the debtors are not freed from any liability , or whether it is just that they are not freed from liabilities contracted after the first will was made .
20 The preparations within the programme are easy to apply which helps to ensure that delicate skin tissues are not damaged in any way during application .
21 Since there is no necessary chemical connection between the substances which bind to allosteric proteins , and the chemical reactions those proteins catalyse , it follows that the results of metabolism , although fully interpretable by the laws of chemistry , are not dictated by those laws , but by the physiological needs of the organism , and ultimately by natural selection .
22 Such pupils are likely to flourish in a class where the ambience is not competitive , pupils ' achievements are not ranked against each other , and individual progress and achievement are encouraged in their own right .
23 All of these aspects are interrelated and , as such , are not listed in any order of importance , nor is this list in any way comprehensive .
24 The numbers of mentally handicapped people in the United Kingdom are not recorded on any register .
25 And the same point is put beyond dispute in the careful declaration of purpose in John 's Gospel , expressly written about the evidence of Christ 's signs : ‘ There were indeed many other signs that Jesus performed in the presence of his disciples , which are not recorded in this book .
26 Certain kinds of events legally definable as ‘ pollution ’ are not followed by any action on the part of the field officer , supporting Becker 's dictum that ‘ an infraction of a rule does not mean that others will respond as though this had happened ’ ( 1963:12 ) .
27 On initial inspection the curve in Figure 3.3 appears to show just such an inverted-U relationship , however , on closer scrutiny it is clear that the points which represent a downturn in the curve are not based on enough data to make them reliable .
28 But these lists are not organized in any way other than regionally ; the methods of dialectology do not address themselves to variation within a single region between the sexes , or between status groups or generation cohorts .
29 We are not quarrelling with this decision in any way , because I believe that our full-time forces are already overstretched for the roles and tasks that the Government have outlined for them both in and out of area , and that the territorial forces play a vital support role .
30 However , with respect , Mr. Speaker , I have seen your reply in which you said that using the crest of the House of Commons on such material was not an offence , so I hope that you are not referring to that aspect of the issue that the tell-tale Member has just raised with you .
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