Example sentences of "[am/are] [v-ing] a good [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 There is no need to become over-anxious about the subject of diet for the elderly.We simply need to keep a careful eye on things , to see that they are eating a good variety of food which includes plenty of protein , dairy products and fresh fruit and vegetables , together with some roughage , which is often best taken in the form of a bran cereal , and which will , in many cases , completely eliminate the problem of constipation and ease that of piles .
2 It means that , by a certain amount of fairly skilful organization over the year , you 're meeting a good cross-section of senior and middle management .
3 ‘ You 're spending a good deal of time in New York now , Mark .
4 Jordan said , ‘ To tell you the truth , I do n't think we 're making a good job of it . ’
5 If we are expecting a good level of practice from proprietors , whether private proprietors or statutory , then we have not to expect them to be out of pocket at the end of the day as a result .
6 Nevertheless , it seems to me that more than a few Frenchwomen are carrying powerful foglamps , and are doing a good job of raging against the dying light .
7 Being disenchanted with life , they may resent those who are contentedly coping with things as best they can and are making a good job of it .
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