Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] over a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Because family credit and housing benefit are withdrawn over a large band of income , and because low-income families begin to pay tax at a low threshold , there are now whole bands of income over which it is difficult for low-income families to improve their net income .
2 Most of these patches are subdivided , and 26 small units of DNs are scattered over a wide area .
3 These results introduce an immunologically-important , putative LCR which can be used to target genes to cells of the B cell lineage , as well as to other class II MHC expressing cells , and highlight the importance of chromatin structure analysis as a means to locate DNA regions of regulatory interest which are dispersed over a large distance .
4 Front bedrooms are sited over a main road but have a lake view , rear rooms are quieter .
5 It is currently estimated that , for every £100 million invested in trunk road improvements , about 100 road deaths and 4,500 casualties are saved over a 30-year period .
6 In this type of study , trend values of consumption and income are collected over a long period of time so that most cyclical fluctuations are smoothed out .
7 As the ice slowly melts the plants are watered over a long period .
8 The share quotation list in the Defence commodity market is the Ministry 's Long-Term Costing , in which all programmes and projects are costed over a ten-year period .
9 We shall remove tax distortions , require in-house services to be clearly costed and accounted for , and ensure that one-off costs are appraised over a realistic period .
10 By taking account of business and other operational plans , such as changes in working practices , projections are made over a five-year period to provide base information against which to evaluate alternative strategies on staffing requirements and costs .
11 The remains of engine houses and mining shafts are found over a wide area in this region , as well as ‘ rakes ’ long fissures stretching for miles across the landscape , where miners extracted ore from narrow veins in the carboniferous limestone .
12 This motion is shown on the left of Fig. 10.1 for a set of test masses originally at rest in a circle in the xy plane : their displacements are followed over a complete cycle .
13 It points out , however , that decommissioning costs are spread over a long period , while those of reprocessing spent fuel are more immediate .
14 The speeds of molecules in a gas are spread over a wide range .
15 Consideration may need to be given to switching partners or departments to achieve this ; ( 3 ) inevitably , where the activities of a firm are spread over a wide area , problems arise in connection with the basic decision making processwhen , for example , partners ' meetings become more difficult to arrange .
16 Ireland , again unlike Holland , is a relatively big country and the players are spread over a wide area .
17 The absence of a temple in the vicinity of the buildings need not negate this hypothesis , since on most sites of this nature the buildings are spread over a considerable area .
18 In this , the mixed gases are passed over a solid zinc oxide-copper catalyst .
19 In this , the mixed gases are passed over a solid zinc oxide-copper catalyst .
20 Until now , the Authority has been prevented from taking action because of a Water Act requirement that samples be collected over a 12 month period .
21 This is seldom needed for analysis purposes but random access mode is often used where the records are held over a long period and have to be updated with the passage of time .
22 Most drama schools final productions are staged over a similar sort of schedule , which means agents are asked to see students ' work over a fairly compressed period .
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