Example sentences of "[am/are] [vb pp] [adv] [conj] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Cook the beans , stirring continuously , until they are heated through and look like thick porridge .
2 Now EMF are fed up and want to be serious , spiritual rock stars and mates with Bono — and still on a diet of dangerous drugs and sex .
3 Most are grown commercially and come from just half a dozen varieties — usually chosen for their red skin or because they travel well rather than because they taste good .
4 And it seems a bit much to suddenly turn round when you 're grown up and say to the mother , ‘ No , you should n't be like that .
5 Others — anemones , winkles , starfish — are affixed in or move into sheltered places , under rocks , and remain cool and reasonably moist and protected from pounding .
6 Areas in which consents or approvals are often needed are described below and relate to : ( 1 ) Articles of association .
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