Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] [verb] for [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Pine-scented products may do this and so are best avoided for this reason .
2 ‘ In some areas we are already competing for that work ’ .
3 Nevertheless if they were going to fly again they were gon na pay for a seat and they 're only looking for some recompense towards a new new ticket what 's wrong with sending them a voucher y'know , a properly produced voucher that we c that 's controlled properly by and all they do is guarantee any travel at their normal travel agent , do the business , attach the voucher to the B S P
4 Honestly , Rachel , you 've only got to see the two of you together — you 're just made for each other . ’
5 We 're all ready , we 're just waiting for this gravy now
6 But we 're still perplexed as to how the accident could have happened and we 're still looking for any motive for murder or suicide . ’
7 ‘ We 're still waiting for this body , ’ says the man with the braid from Tayside , the boys officially in charge .
8 Erm if it 's um well generally speaking I think , thinking about what the sort of consensus would be among people who who study this sort of thing , they 're usually looking for some sort of of discrepancy in ages or powers or something .
9 So they 're probably looking for both fossil fuels which includes gas .
10 They 're simply asking for more money to spent with no concerns about the value for money , and surely it was the Conservatives who used to tell us ten or fifteen years ago , that you could n't judge the quality of a service by the amount of money spent on it .
11 ‘ We 're fully booked for this evening , sir .
12 Balance sheets are usually produced for each account , but the operating accounts are in much more detail : the General Fund will be segregated into , for example , education , public health , roads .
13 Increases in the volume of shipping are usually accommodated for some time by existing docks and harbours before the pressure on them leads to a heavy capital investment in fresh and usually lengthy building .
14 Worn as an amulet they even warded off the evil eye and , in a more generalised form , are still carried for this purpose by Italians today .
15 In archaeology , I understand , it can now be said that computers are automatically considered for any project , however small .
16 THE Brain Club and this space are clearly destined for each other .
17 Trichloromethane ( chloroform ) and propanone ( acetone ) are often used for this purpose .
18 ‘ We are really looking for some sort of justice for these people .
19 I 'm just thinking for this meeting if we could photocopy some
20 ‘ So I 'm really hoping for some sort of sponsorship for the eight months we 're away , ’ she added .
21 As with many such units , the controls are simply duplicated for each channel ( five rotaries , one switch and four LEDs ) , so the front panel is almost symmetrical .
22 The published statistics are therefore retained for this purpose , but , as one company commented , their use is , however , so infrequent that it has difficulty in locating the relevant data when they are needed !
23 Signs are constantly available to help motivated users who are actively searching for some form of information .
24 By the same token , most record-of-achievement schemes now are actively searching for some form of external accreditation through the validation of school procedures and pupils ' overall programmes .
25 The Quetzal swims in the middle layers of the water , and feeds on vegetable matter and insects , sometimes picking at rocks — if you look closely you will see the anterior teeth , clearly visible , which are ideally suited for such browsing .
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