Example sentences of "[am/are] [adj] to be [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 Sealink Stena Line is an enthusiastic sponsor of the museum 's new souvenir guide book and are delighted to be supporters of such an impressive collection of outdoor folk and transport exhibits .
2 The young people who use the building today are likely to be part of the thriving youth club that operates on four nights of the week .
3 As to schools , a DES spokesperson let it be known that such concerns are left to the LEAs and that studies of this kind are likely to be part of religious education .
4 Other items are likely to be part of much larger burglaries which could amount to £1million .
5 Again , there are likely to be problems of reliability with such data .
6 Moreover , because individuals are likely to be members of more than one interest ( " cross-cutting ties " ) and more than one group ( " overlapping membership " ) this will soften or moderate a commitment to any single interest .
7 I would like to extend this idea and suggest that in larger homes there are likely to be groups of residents with particular needs requiring appropriate provision , such as those with severe physical disability , considerable mental infirmity , ethnic minority elders more estranged than usual in a residential environment , and those who are terminally ill or dying .
8 The stress on Levi 's insensitivity to religion is allowed to suggest that all Jews are religious , and there are readers for whom this might signal the corollary that all Jews are Zionists , and are likely to be supporters of Israeli government policy .
9 In the older universities , especially , there are likely to be opportunities of hearing or performing such music .
10 The final and the greatest problem of the neurophysiological version of the CTP ( or , indeed , any version of the CTP ) , is that it can not explain the intentionality or ‘ aboutness ’ that connects the neural events with the object they are supposed to be perceptions of .
11 Nevertheless because they are supposed to be men of wide experience and outstanding capability the bishop may from time to time give them particular tasks to do in connection with parish priests .
12 But on the other hand , if they are supposed to be representatives of our society , then there 's obviously something wrong , when there are so few women , compared with so few men .
13 We in medicine are privileged to be members of an influential profession , and society will probably ensure that we always will be .
14 We are privileged to be part of one of the largest worldwide banking groups .
15 Even so , exotica such as lead-only Porsche 911s and Ferraris are unlikely to be part of this trend , so no bargains there I 'm afraid .
16 ‘ But he seems to have a lot of good ideas aimed at taking Forest back to the Premier League and I 'm happy to be part of that . ’
17 They are proud to be part of it .
18 Imbuing staff with specific cultural attitudes which they must constantly rehearse ; part of this consists of ensuring that staff are proud to be part of a highly elite team
19 Hastening importantly past are certain to be scores of the varnished wooden launches that are the cabs of Venice , their occupants talking hard inside if they are Venetians , or reclining ecstatically in the open sterns if visitors .
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