Example sentences of "[am/are] [adv] as [adj] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Although dairy or dairy-cross calves are most commonly affected it should be recognised that autumn-born born single-suckled beef calves are just as susceptible when turned out to grass in early summer .
2 In spite of what the candidates may feel at the time , there is no stigma or criticism in being allocated a job flying something other than a fast jet : rescuing downed pilots in foul conditions or carrying out low level paratroop insertions in a Hercules are just as dangerous and demanding .
3 However , they are just as effective when worked in the same yarn as is usual for Aran garments .
4 Muscles and tendons are just as important and form a much more complex pattern .
5 ‘ In golf , customs of etiquette and decorum are just as important as rules governing play , ’ he wrote .
6 However in America , where addictions are almost as mandatory as seeing the ‘ shrink ’ , a new wave of ‘ ca n't do withouts ’ has unleashed itself on society .
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