Example sentences of "[no cls] we [modal v] [to-vb] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cos started a union up , but that was after when I was working at Squires but there was n't , there was n't a union , a union at all then , but er there was keen competition between Tonkses and cos they and , I mean they all developed the Yale and er we used to get a lot of visitors around , and er you used to get a lot of American visitors around , but erm it 's a it 's a very very old town is n't it , very old because mother used to do her shopping there and there were n't any buses running , but we used to go by wagonette from er to do the Saturday shopping er Applobish used to run the wagonettes and the daughter used to drive the two horses and
2 And er the er we used to have a piece of wood , a small piece of wood that was shaped er like a sort of almost like torpedo at both ends .
3 Oh yes at one time erm after the New Town got well started , after The Stow was built got to the , goes up to The Stow and be beyond er , well it 's just , going on into erm , er , towards the swimming bath , it was n't up there , swimming bath , erm and we used to call it the Shady Shop in , in adverts and er we used to have a lot of people used to come down because there was only The Stow then and er
4 Er or they 'd go out doi charring and go you know work the we used to have a woman come in once a week to do the washing .
5 Now while we 're on this point about what exactly am I entitled to , erm we ought to say a word about credit notes cos there are a lot of shops who say well erm you know it is it is n't company policy to , it is n't our policy to offer refunds , but we 're quite happy to offer you a credit note .
6 And we used to go to town , we used to have really good , good er good day erm we used to have a procession and erm local , course local dignitaries used to come er , I I 've got a , one or two pictures in my scrapbook where erm it , I was asking , telling Jean she would have to look up er when we did begin trendsetters .
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