Example sentences of "[no cls] you [verb] [pers pn] can [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Yeah and er you know we can do a certain amount but I think if you went away from that you can go away from it a little bit but I think if you went too much away the people that you have and and our audience when we 've got them you know , they tend to stay with us you know they do n't change like the the youngsters and when we started off first you know our audience were mainly over forty five fifty plus really and now they 're down to we 're getting you know loads of of people in their twenties and in their teens and even down to kids like last night , five and six years old .
2 and er you know we can have a drink , we 'll go out and have a drink and have a meal like , anyway our John says oh
3 I du n no , er you know you can put woman staying at home having the child for instance when there are n't enough children to fill the schools realize that having children is a very important in economic values what with nations increasing staying at home
4 Er and perhaps er you know you can have a role where maybe you 've got ta make decisions and alright you do it .
5 I think the Labour Party 's heart is in the right place , they want to take a positive approach and do what they can to help industry , to train , to put more money into training youngsters for industry then we have a skill work force , not a cheap , not a cheap unskilled labour force , er , you know , which is what we , what 's happening now , because we 've just not been trained , they 're cutting the training , but it 's all the same , anyway you know , I , I , I do n't know , you say what can I do for ya , well er in the short run not much except to help the , the people who are on lower income and the children through the budget er which will be introduced , it 'll be that why er through er child benefits and through er high , high benefits and through er , er lower taxes for the , everybody up to er twenty odd , twenty five thousand year or something , so , erm I mean that 's in the short run and little that can be done , it 's not as much as anybody would like , you put more and more into , into er , into training , er more money into industry to help them to invest , er you know you can have a sort of regional development banks to help industry to invest these in , in each of the regions , but I mean the , these are the positive plans and not like this one who 's just letting things go .
6 Well good luck to you because er you know I can tell you right now we are one of the few companies that take on people in their fifties .
7 which is question section erm you know you can tell that kind of s equally
8 Erm you know you can look at that or you can put a protractor on it and
9 So you re you reckon you can beat up them ?
10 and er oh , they 've also got books yo you know you can buy the books
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