Example sentences of "of [det] [adj] period " in BNC.

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1 After the initial impact of Anatolian and Persian designs and their consequent fusion with the traditional decorative schemes of each country , European designs tended to reflect the broader artistic and design movements of each successive period .
2 There were momentary pauses at the end of each prescribed period when one god with his burden succeeded another .
3 The end of the nineteenth century was the climax of the Age of Science ; what remains for us is to glimpse briefly the aftermath of that confident period in which it seemed that all the interesting questions must have answers , and that it was the business of natural philosophy to find them out .
4 It may or may not have been his home for any length of time , but it is certainly the only survivor of that contemporary period of timbered houses with thatched roofs which frequently caught fire and were eventually forbidden .
5 Arthur Penn 's strong sympathy with the outsider and an anti-Establishment stance made an impact on the anti-draft , anti-Vietnam , middle-class college students of that tumultuous period .
6 ( b ) the student has not been resident therein , during any part of that three-year period , wholly or mainly for the purpose of receiving full-time education .
7 ( ii ) he/she has not been resident therein , during any part of that three-year period , wholly or mainly for the purpose of receiving full-time education .
8 ( b ) the student has not been resident therein , during any part of that three-year period , wholly or mainly for the purpose of receiving full-time education .
9 he/she has not been resident therein , during any part of that three-year period , wholly or mainly for the purpose of receiving full-time education ;
10 Or rather , to have the rules of that former period prevailing now .
11 Speaking of that exploitive period Dirac once said to me " It was a time when second-rate men did first-rate work . "
12 He was quaintly dressed ( according to the costume of that unconstrained period ) in a brown fustian jacket and striped pantaloons .
13 For me , these brands of that particular period have yet to be surpassed for quality , character and value .
14 … it can sometimes be overlooked that reasonable damages should always be assessed in respect of that initial period of shock and suffering .
15 It is a mistake to think of that earlier period as a flippant approach to the problem of making art .
16 Indeed , though the death of a single organism may not seem to be very significant scientifically , it has been well argued by George Dangerfield that this one event did , in effect , mark the end or at least the beginning of the end , of that remarkable period of human history dominated by " Liberal England " .
17 Valentin Mesyats , the first secretary of the CPSU committee in Moscow oblast ( region ) , said that the platform ignored the fact that besides the CPSU no other force was " capable of uniting the people , capable of coming through the difficulty of this transitional period and bringing the country out of the crisis " .
18 Husameddin claims that one Shuja al-Din Ilyas Celebi , Hoca to the sultan , had become ( was ? ) a highly-regarded mufti in Edirne in 831/1427–8 , " historical proofs ' which Husameddin has chanced upon describing him as One finds also both in the biographical dictionaries and in the chronicles instances of the use of this early period .
19 The advance of this critical period , however , can not easily be linked to the idea of a body clock which tends to run fast and so produce daily rhythms which are timed too early because , when daily rhythms have been investigated in these patients , it appears that daily rhythms are irregular , rather than altered in a particular direction .
20 There are several accounts of the events of this crucial period in the history of British ‘ race relations ’ : what follows is an attempt to highlight some of the features which I feel are pertinent to a discussion of ‘ racial problem ’ films of the era .
21 The landscape of straight roads , often unfenced , and of small geometrical plantations , is characteristic of this late period .
22 Politically , relations remained tense for much of this middle period , sufficiently so to affect economic links between England and France , and England was allied with the semi-independent feudatories of the French Crown , Burgundy and Brittany , on a number of occasions until they were absorbed into the lands of the Valois dynasty in 1477 and 1492 respectively .
23 His collection , appropriately entitled ‘ new Beginnings ’ and on show in Edinburgh includes the innovative works of among others Victor Pasmore , Adrian heath , Kenneth and Mary martin , the painters associated with St. Ives like Patrick heron and Robert Hilton , as well as sculptors such as Eduardo Paolozzi , William Turnbull and Reg Butler , giving an encapsulated view of this interesting period in British art .
24 The need for further study of this confused period is clearly indicated , but the statements of Ibn Hajar ( and al-Makrizi ) and of the earliest chronological list and the document indicating Molla Fenari 's presence in Karaman in Jumada II 819/August 1416 provide at the least a consistent basis for explaining the reason for , and establishing the date of , Molla Fenari 's return ; and it may therefore be tentatively concluded that Molla Fenari returned to the Ottoman lands some time in , or shortly alter , Sha'ban 820/September-October 1417 .
25 Following this , by employing modern anthropological techniques , the economy of this elusive period can be reconstructed .
26 But er as much as anything , that in itself was er er one of the ai you know one of the er high points that the er I remember of this particular period .
27 We 're going to make use of this moonless period , but we 'll try and give you a practice run over the ladder before the big night .
28 You will be on probation for a period of year and confirmation of your appointment is dependent upon the satisfactory completion of this probationary period .
29 You will be on probation for a period of one year and confirmation of your appointment is dependent upon the satisfactory completion of this probationary period .
30 What emerges from recent study of this important period is that war was increasingly coming to be seen as an instrument of state , to be organised by the king for the common good of his people and country .
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