Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [conj] allows " in BNC.

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1 A major challenge facing the information industry is to develop the maturity of judgement that allows the utility of the different available media to be accurately and dispassionately matched to the real requirements of information users .
2 However tough things might have been at home , there 's usually an underlying familiarity of experience that allows family members to overcome or endure difficulties .
3 It 's the same sort of factor that allows anybody who smokes a lot to not get cancer and not get bronchitis and live , also live a long time .
4 Ta'kwakomenae ( will , etc. ) is that crucial aspect of ta'kwaru that allows for responsible or irresponsible behaviour .
5 When I leave government , I expect to work … for quality art , for less hate and for a generosity of spirit that allows us to live with our differences in real community ’ .
6 The Q-TWIST model , developed for early breast cancer , provides a general framework for this type of analysis and allows one to strike a balance by using any desired vaues for the effects of treatment and disease symptoms .
7 The sort of strength that allows loss and confusion and remains constant .
8 ( This ensures a wide field of application and allows for the gradual introduction of new languages such as Ada . )
9 Most of the English statements were written at a level of generality that allows for extremely wide interpretation .
10 And the Quixote himself sounds too light , and lacks that dominating nobility of expression that allows him to impose himself suddenly on a scene hitherto occupied almost exclusively by the Boy and the orchestra .
11 The harness really does take the pain out of windsurfing and allows you to stay out on the water far longer .
12 It is often the sudden availability of time that allows women to develop their talents at last — and then find that other people want to pay them for their work !
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