Example sentences of "[no cls] i [pers pn] [pers pn] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Er I I I have your notice Mr er agreed .
2 Erm I I I think you 're doing really brilliantly .
3 I would however I I with great trepidation as I do n't think I 've ever dared do it before , er is try to actually clarify the thoughts of my leader erm it is not erm , have I your permission erm I I I feel I feel he may , I feel that
4 And erm I I I find it I mean I 'm not going to be sort of holier than thou about it all I mean , perhaps I myself might be tempted er one day .
5 However that 's a , I mean tha I I I think her , she 's always turned in twice the level that the formula assumes , or at least twice
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