Example sentences of "of [noun] makes [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 What inversion of values makes us to look upon such aberrations as though they were a reflection of natural laws ?
2 The rate of change makes it shudder on the branches of the trees where it stands to attention in its sterile , tightly packed commercial rows .
3 For many infectious agents , hepatitis C virus ( HCV ) in particular , the specificity and extreme sensitivity of PCR makes it superior to standard serological tests in the determination of carrier state , and false-negative serological results have led to the suggestion that PCR should replace antibody testing for screening .
4 Naturally the quality of the objects is not entirely consistent ( some of the prints seem pretty standard , for example ) , but the sheer range of artists makes it an impressive resource .
5 The structure of agriculture makes it difficult to treat the peasant drive for noble land as the harbinger of rural capitalism .
6 The book 's structure is not always clear and the lack of index makes it difficult to pin-point where a section on , for example , challenging behaviour or services for black and ethnic minority people was located .
7 The SERC 's antiquated view of physics makes it extremely difficult for physicists working in some of these lively fields to obtain consistent support for their research .
8 What value of N makes it cheaper to the state to keep the mine open ?
9 Lack of money prevents us eating properly when we are children , ruins our health , rots our teeth , makes our parents quarrel and take to drink , stops us having the clothes we want , the friends we like , the parties we long for , stops us having the tuition which would enable us to get an education — makes us end up street sweepers and not doctors ; induces women to have babies because there is no money for travel or entertainment , or to leave the parental home any other way : lack of money humiliates us all our lives : lack of money makes us live with husbands or wives we no longer love : lack of money makes us age earlier than we need : makes our hands rough with toil and our brows creased with anxiety : keeps us weeping by day and sleepless by night : the terror in our lives is the bill through the door which ca n't be paid : our lives close in the knowledge of failure — we failed to make enough money .
10 Lack of money prevents us eating properly when we are children , ruins our health , rots our teeth , makes our parents quarrel and take to drink , stops us having the clothes we want , the friends we like , the parties we long for , stops us having the tuition which would enable us to get an education — makes us end up street sweepers and not doctors ; induces women to have babies because there is no money for travel or entertainment , or to leave the parental home any other way : lack of money humiliates us all our lives : lack of money makes us live with husbands or wives we no longer love : lack of money makes us age earlier than we need : makes our hands rough with toil and our brows creased with anxiety : keeps us weeping by day and sleepless by night : the terror in our lives is the bill through the door which ca n't be paid : our lives close in the knowledge of failure — we failed to make enough money .
11 1992 has not been an easy year , but both the underlying business performance , BP 's general high reputation , and a tremendous buy-in by all of our people to the concept of teamworking makes me confident about 1993 , without expecting too much in the way of improvement in the overall economic environment .
12 The abundance of alkanes makes them particularly attractive starting materials for industrial processes .
13 The provision of multiple points of entry makes it possible to react to market forces especially in the areas of retraining , returning to science , and widening access to Higher Education .
14 The simple morphology of dodder makes it a very convenient experimental model for studying development since all parameters of growth and differentiation are strung out in space as well as in time along the linear axis of a cylindrical vine .
15 This bias of Gregory makes it very difficult to assess the regularity of tax collection , but on one occasion the bishop of Tours does allow some insight into what appears to be the norm .
16 That sort of episode makes them subject to public outrage .
17 Thai food is far more interesting than Chinese or Indian , for the huge and accessible range of ingredients makes it potentially more elegant and surprising — in Thailand they are said to eat more than 250 raw ingredients in their yam ( salads , and pronounced ‘ yum ’ ) alone .
18 ‘ And Flower of Scotland makes me wilt . ’
19 Frequent washing and thorough drying of feet makes them feel comfortable and keeps them healthy .
20 He said , ‘ The idea of marriage makes you feel trapped , then ? ’
21 ‘ Plenty of exercise makes them big and strong . ’
22 Even in the case of Braque , whose development was more methodical than Picasso 's , the dating of certain works is problematical , and Picasso 's sporadic method of work makes it doubly hard .
23 Indeed , the experience of ownership makes them even more likely to appreciate the Clio 's comfort , manoeuvrability , spaciousness and performance .
24 The Book of Proverbs makes it clear that happiness and discipline go hand in hand from the beginning of our lives : ‘ He who spares the rod hates his son , but he who loves him is careful to discipline him . ’
25 The Law Lords held that this publication was protected by qualified privilege : the Council had a duty to leap to the General 's defence , and the privilege was not lost by the fact of world-wide publication , because " a man who makes a statement on the floor of the House of Commons makes it to all the world … it was only plain justice to the General that the ambit of contradiction should be spread so wide as , if possible , to meet the false accusation wherever it went . "
26 Dworkin 's theory of adjudication makes it clear that the function of the courts is limited to that of reaching decisions based upon arguments of principle , that is , arguments which justify a decision by showing that it secures or respects some individual or group right .
27 It would be foolish to suppose that we can penetrate the causes of this striking movement with any precision ; but the example of John of Salisbury makes it abundantly clear that the love of travel , the fashion for wandering , played a major role .
28 The relentless struggle of the workers against unemployment and hunger in times of peace as in times of war makes it vital for them to organise for the overthrow of the capitalist system and for the establishment of the Socialist Commonwealth .
29 Eataine 's control of the straits of Lothern makes it unique in Ulthuan because it straddles both the Inner and Outer Kingdoms .
30 Even when this was not the overt purpose , research results have been used to justify particular aspects of women 's subordination : thus even today it is sometimes said that girls do n't become engineers because they lack spatial ability , or that their relative lack of aggression makes them less effective leaders .
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