Example sentences of "be used [prep] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 On the other hand , if she is someone who has been used to dominating those around her , you should quietly refuse to be included in her ‘ managing ’ tactics .
2 And what should I do in another woman 's household , who have been used to managing my own ?
3 She 'd been used to hopping around and flapping about wherever she pleased , so it came as a bit of a shock to find her freedom of movement restricted by the jesses .
4 She had been used to teaching in a country where English was the second language .
5 So although his neighbours opposite occupied houses with gardens , his side of the street had to work for a living : he would have been used to seeing the flame fanned by the bellows of the blacksmith , the steam rising from the sweating horses in the carrier , s stables , and — we may hope — a line of customers waiting to be served in his little shop .
6 Unlike the more southern fulmars I had been used to seeing , which are mainly white with grey backs , these northern birds were nearly all a dark smoky grey .
7 We had been used to seeing bigger names travel here but somehow or other they never showed top form .
8 It quite frequently happens that a horse that has been used to drinking out of a dam or stream , will always refuse water from a trough or bucket , irrespective of how thirsty it may be .
9 Roy , who was about four and had n't been used to drinking out of a glass , took a bite at his and broke a chunk out of it .
10 He could tell she 'd been used to ordering people about at one time .
11 A major obstacle to the earlier realisation of Ludwig 's project was that the Soviets had not been used to calling galleries after private citizens , as in the West .
12 It had taken a few days to persuade her ladyship to accept change , for she had for so long been used to living in squalor that she could not at first accustom herself to an altered way of life .
13 For years I 've been used to addressing the parson as ‘ vicar ’ .
14 And another thing — your sailors all seem very small to me , because I 've been used to looking up at people twenty metres tall . ’
15 Now in fact what that means for me is that actually we 're all programmers — we always have been — but we have n't been used to explaining it in quite the way that computers need us to explain it , and of course that goes back to this question of understanding English that we were talking about last time .
16 Well I suppose they 'd have been used to going there before you see .
17 Having come to the village with certain expectations they may only see what they expect to find and , since the local working population has long been used to avoiding overt conflict in the face of those who have the capacity to create trouble for them , the superficial calm of village life may remain .
18 I had been used to analysing speech — such as in a radio discussion — which ran at an average rate of 300 syllables a minute , depending of course on such variables as personality and regional accent ( for some accents are spoken much more rapidly than others ) .
19 His arthritis made it impossible for him to walk as he had been used to doing .
20 Er , the comment here the way that I have been used to doing these I found that I I like it and the kids can
21 Others which are perhaps a little bit of er a change from what we 've been used to doing ,
22 A good round followed by a poor one often means a missed cut , and it is very difficult to put two rounds together on consecutive days if you have not been used to doing so .
23 Teachers in the independent sector have long been used to doing this .
24 I 've never been used to doing that and it makes such a lot of difference when you actually speak to the people .
25 As a student in Trinity College he had been used to doing six hours a week .
26 Mr Hogan has n't been used to driving in the city traffic of recent years , and I had planned to go to Dublin to collect the samples of material .
27 If they have been used to rushing home from work or watching the clock during any stolen time with friends , they may find it hard to adapt to the fact that there is no longer any need to hurry back .
28 Though the engine was 17 years old and had been used to pulling 40-tonne loads at 60mph , Mr Tomlinson did n't need to touch it .
29 Prior to the technical innovations by the Coal Board , miners had been used to working in small autonomous groups or teams .
30 Yo yo you , you been used to working hard and if they say do n't do this
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