Example sentences of "be unlikely that a " in BNC.

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1 In this context of the numbers of men , the use of weapons and the multiple attacks , it would be unlikely that a conviction would not have occurred , even without the racial theme .
2 Again the problem will arise that it will be unlikely that a company will satisfy the text to qualify as a family company .
3 The pragmatist might acknowledge this point but would offer the further thought that , under normal circumstances , it is unlikely that a flea 's stray garment could be mistaken for anything else , and that the flea. its garments and any other intimately associated paraphernalia would be more sensibly and helpfully handled as a single record .
4 Both sides seemed satisfied and although it is unlikely that a two-tier Champagne classification would have been workable in the long term , it sufficed for the present although it was still being debated in the Senate when war broke out three years later .
5 It is unlikely that a single explanation can fully account for a human activity that has been defined in such varied ways .
6 In a word like pack for example , it is unlikely that a pattern recogniser , no matter how accurate , will be able to say if the correct sequence of letters is pack , paclc , or padc .
7 Such instances are not typical of their managerial system of control for it is unlikely that a single individual would be able to oversee a widely dispersed media empire .
8 As our findings indicate that traditional farming techniques cause significant erosion , it is unlikely that a return to prehispanic farming methods would solve the problem of environmental degradation .
9 For example , it is unlikely that a Banking dictionary would have sufficient coverage to aid the recognition of medical texts , regardless of how suitable the collocations were .
10 The spoken word is a different skill than the written one and it is unlikely that a press release will be used as it stands .
11 While it is unlikely that a feminist politics informed their development , these concepts draw attention to routines which , in many households , are deeply gendered .
12 Indeed , it is unlikely that a prosecution in these circumstances would be launched .
13 However , theoretical and experimental studies of the accretional processes show that it is unlikely that a body with the low mass of the Moon could have accreted in less than about 10 Ma .
14 Apart from anything else Okapi systems do not use machine readable cataloguing ( MARC ) files , and it is unlikely that a MARC tape conversion program will be supplied .
15 It is unlikely that a fully fledged DNA molecule would spring into existence without the aid of other molecules that normally exist only in living cells .
16 All fundamentals for a given molecule are usually of comparable intensity , so it is unlikely that a forbidden band will be mistaken for a weak fundamental .
17 However it is unlikely that a set of rules to explain how general language is processed will be available in the foreseeable future .
18 It is unlikely that a potential purchaser will be interested if the Information memorandum contains no information on recent trading .
19 If managers say that they gain their vision and their pragmatic skill informally and from diverse sources , if they see their own development as something which took many years and came from a wide range of contexts , it is unlikely that a short-term substitute can be found which will fit into either the narrow limits of brief in-service training courses , year-long secondments or part-time study in higher education .
20 If an autonomic neuropathy is present , it is unlikely that a selective sympathetic impairment would occur in the presence of normal parasympathetic function .
21 Assuming a fair wind on major infrastructure , access , and drainage , it is unlikely that a new settlement would be producing a significant group of housings until somewhere around , at the very best , end ninety six into the of ninety seven period , in that context , what is happening in that short intervening period , assuming certain planning guidance comes forward to help that intervening period , and will that new settlement actually be built out prior to two prior to two thousand and six , will the fourteen hundred dwellings be built in that period , question mark , probably not , it will lap over , therefore in that context of a gap at the beginning , and a potential overlap at the end , it is very important again to revisit the peripheral land issue .
22 During the life of the trust , it is unlikely that a professional trustee will actually have to do anything .
23 In the real world , it is unlikely that a product has clear advantages over its competition on all points , and it is clearly part of the selling function for the salesperson to emphasise those superior features and benefits which his product possesses .
24 In conclusion , the law is very uncertain in this whole area and it is unlikely that an action against a third party tippee for insider dealing will be brought or succeed .
25 This was understandable , because it is unlikely that an adjournment would have achieved much .
26 Because of the accounting principle of conservatism , it is unlikely that an accounting system would recognize revenue merely on receipt of an order .
27 Endoscopic surveillance of treated and untreated asymptomatic ulcers has indicated that 75% persist unhealed over many months , and so it is unlikely that an endoscopy every four months would have missed many .
28 It is unlikely that an adjournment will be granted in these circumstances unless there are particularly compelling reasons .
29 Lord Justice Balcombe said it was unlikely that a pending court application by the mother , who is divorced from the children 's father , for access to her children would succeed .
30 This seemed a reasonable system to consider , as , although it was unlikely that a perfect balance between costs and income could ever be achieved , it provided a target to aim for , or a shared value for all staff engaged on activities concerned with cost control and income generation , regardless of their departmental position .
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