Example sentences of "be turned into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In addition , they receive just a single rupee for collecting a kilogramme of papers and rags , while their efforts are turned into substantial profits by the recycling industries .
2 Acid rain forms when airborne sulphur dioxide and nitrogen oxides go through a series of complex atmospheric reactions and are turned into weak sulphuric and nitric acids contained in rain drops .
3 These fleeces are turned into fine , lustrous wool which is left unbleached in its natural colour and has a lovely soft quality to touch and wear .
4 In such transactions , trades negotiated away from the exchange 's central pricing system are turned into on-exchange trades .
5 It is surely nothing to celebrate when sociolinguistic descriptions of behaviour are turned into folklinguistic prescriptions about ( women 's ) behaviour ; but given the realities of history and power it is also nothing to be surprised about .
6 All that has happened is that the relations of production have been turned into historicized human relations .
7 Had the BBC realised what a gem it was holding , the deciding match of the tournament ( as all others ) could have been turned into real money spinners ; but , no , it was a lost opportunity .
8 ‘ Most of them would have treated it as a nice little Christmas story about this powerful but sad woman with an unhappy family Now it 's all been turned into major crisis . ’
9 Round about here , the network of caves under the ochreous rocks has been turned into vast champignonnières , and at the modest little Restaurant David ( no relation ) you can eat the local cultivated mushrooms cooked à la crème or à la provençale with , naturally , olive oil , parsley and garlic .
10 In the meantime , most of the original Classes 302 , 304 , 305 , 307 , 308 have been turned into open saloons and given new seating and gangways .
11 By now 40 per cent of manufacturing industry , 50 per cent of construction industry and 60 per cent of retail trade and services will have been turned into joint-stock companies , privatized or leased .
12 The analogy holds in so far as stylistic competence , like linguistic competence , is a capacity which we possess and exercise unconsciously and intuitively : only with special training can it be turned into explicit knowledge .
13 Before human beings ( or any other animal ) can make use of the energy from the Sun , that energy has first to be turned into chemical energy ( that is , into complex organic molecules ) by photosynthesis .
14 The hands and feet can be turned into deadly weapons capable of withstanding injury when they are applied to inanimate objects such as bricks and wooden boards so long as the practitioner approaches the matter with the right psychological outlook .
15 If the great social security businesses can be turned into successful , free-standing executive agencies , the problem will have been cracked — the Next Steps reforms will have worked where so many attempts at change faltered .
16 The Marketing Mix is concerned with the realities and practicalities of how these marketing objectives may be turned into specific marketing plans and activities .
17 Writing in the American magazine Astronautics and Aeronautics , Gretton-Watson suggests that the huge volume of natural gas from the Gulf states ' oil fields could be turned into liquid hydrogen , an important fuel in high energy rockets .
18 The Commonwealth Secretary-General , Chief Emeka Anyaoku , was quoted on April 6 as saying that the South African government 's promises would have to be turned into concrete action before economic sanctions against South Africa could be lifted .
19 This heat has to be turned into mechanical energy , currently always by a steam turbine and the mechanical energy in a rotating shaft is then translated by a generator into electricity .
20 Of infinite complexity , it ingested gobbets of gobbledegook and disgorged segments of language which could be turned into coherent German .
21 Second-hand shop discoveries or tatty old faithfuls can be turned into prized possessions with a little love and attention .
22 His mood of self-satisfaction was far from justified in terms of social and economic realities , but even these were to be turned into personal triumphs for Franco in the course of the next two decades .
23 We have seen how a couple of strands of consonant voices can be turned into mild or harsh dissonance , or vice versa — how dissonant voices can be turned towards consonance .
24 Every acre of sunflowers produces about half a ton of oil which will be turned into low fat margarine .
25 Nor , in an atmosphere of reluctance , can the initiator be confident that a participator 's initial dependence on other people 's ideas and energy will in due course be turned into well-informed independence .
26 The Netherlands had been happy to accept the supranational principle in advance , but insisted on retaining the right to withdraw from the discussions should it prove impossible in its eyes for the ideas to be turned into economic practice .
27 Given that the Cockcroft foundation list can be turned into operational criteria , it would be an example of a partially ordered structure in terms of topic area .
28 By cutting microscopic , concentric grooves , clear film can be turned into thin lightweight lenses , called kinoforms .
29 Fizzy drink bottles made of PET may be turned into fibre-fill for coats and duvets , while detergent bottles are now being re-used to make new non-food bottles .
30 The National Curriculum orders for each study unit need to be turned into meaningful and workable schemes of work and class activities .
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