Example sentences of "be kept [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 You wo n't get a good one in England unless you bring it back yourself They 're kept too cold , or they have chemicals injected into them to delay the ripening , or something .
2 In Europe international tensions would be kept artificially alive in order to justify massive expenditure on armaments and the construction of centralized bureaucracies and armies capable of suppressing any democratic movement attempting to challenge the power and wealth of the bankers and their hangers on .
3 I remember cold days , when both back and front doors had to be kept wide open to cause a through-draught , or clear a smoke-filled room .
4 Just pinch them off and plant in seed compost , which should be kept barely moist in a bright , warm place .
5 Milk vans had to be kept scrupulously clean , and were 50ft long , 8ft wide , and 7ft 10in high in the centre , carried on two standard four-wheeled bogies .
6 They must be kept scrupulously clean and as soon as they start to feed on flesh — at about three weeks — the nest can be removed and new straw added .
7 It is the universal appeal of the character that convinces Uderzo the stories must be kept decidedly apolitical .
8 Financial segregation : Items of account must be kept strictly identifiable with the user department .
9 But as America and Germany were still at peace , and the leasing of the pilots was a clear breach of the US Neutrality Act which Hitler , had he come to know of it , might have used as an excuse for sinking American ships , the news had to be kept strictly secret .
10 Of course , these generations had , at all costs , to be kept racially clean through the exclusion of non-Aryan blood .
11 Each side had to be kept reasonably satisfied .
12 However , current consumption must be kept sufficiently low to provide an acceptably long battery life .
13 The horse 's anxiety has to be kept below boiling point to avoid a continual problem in the same circumstances ; and shoeing horses does recur — every six or eight weeks !
14 The plant medium container should be kept very moist to keep the boggy condition .
15 The degreaser should be kept very hot and be applied liberally , the excess running freely down the wall .
16 We can do , we 've just got to , I mean we 've just got to ask everyone to give a very brief report erm on another occasion and then it can be kept very short , I think though , there are , there are times when , when , you know , we do want to hear what 's going on with sort of er networks and campaigns , we do need that time as well do n't we , er so we ca n't , I do n't think we can always do it .
17 She 's a Miss Fraser and has to be kept very quiet . ’
18 Madeline and I will be kept very busy over the next months as we visit the pilot centres to attend key events in their validation or approval processes .
19 Q : It seems to me that the citizens of Darcy 's Utopia are going to be kept very busy .
20 But erm I I imagine their rate of interest would be kept fairly low .
21 ‘ I can see I 'm going to be kept fairly busy ! ’
22 The courts will always wish to retain a residual and undefined discretion to deal with unexpected cases but the scope for its operation must be kept as narrow as possible .
23 The camera work can be kept as simple as it is for recording one person giving a talk — it can stay on the interviewee .
24 The broadcasts should not to be crammed with masses of information — key messages should be kept as simple as possible using humour , drama and celebrities to convey the basic facts .
25 You know , and , and I I prefer something to be kept as simple as possible and not to try and erm make it too busy .
26 Well it certainly should be because it 's for the families , for the young children and they , they ca n't understand what it , all of it is about so it should be kept as simple and as short as possible .
27 This caused disquiet amongst Colonial officials and prompted Creech Jones , the Colonial Secretary in the later years of the Labour government , to circulate a memorandum to the Cabinet in early 1947 in which he said : ‘ I know full well how important it is that our overseas payments should be kept as low as they possibly can be , but I can not believe that this justifies a course which is contrary to our declared policy in regard both to Colonial and to commercial matters and contrary also to the policy which has long been pursued by the Labour Party . ’
28 But it was an axiom of mid-nineteenth-century employers that wages must be kept as low as possible , though intelligent entrepreneurs with international experience , like Thomas Brassey , the railway builder , were beginning to point out that the labour of the well-paid British workman was in fact cheaper than that of the abysmally paid coolie , because his productivity was so much higher .
29 The size of the gang , however , should be kept as small as possible and should not exceed six members .
30 Toilet soil pipes are very obtrusive , and should be kept as short as possible , so it may be best to keep the toilet roughly where it is .
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