Example sentences of "be standing on [art] " in BNC.

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1 They 've stopped filming and they 're standing on a rock and Lee says , ‘ Burt , you were in the army .
2 We 're standing on a hill .
3 You 're standing on a high cliff , chopped off and adumbrated by the heaving green of the sea .
4 The gull wing doors which are unique to the TB range — and decidedly difficult to open when you 're standing on the wing — provide good access once you 're used to them and must be the easiest escape routes around in light aviation if there is a mishap .
5 They all shrink in the direction of the diameter of the circle — the vertical direction if you 're standing on the Earth .
6 You could you could n't feel it if you 're standing on the middle of the floor but when you went up to the grating with your chest on the grating you could feel the tower swinging away back from you I do n't know what er distance probably maybe twelve inches maybe more I do n't know .
7 So you 're standing on the roof of coaches .
8 ‘ I do n't know enough to be standing on a pedestal pointing a finger . ’
9 Mrs Beckett , announcing her candidature , said she would be standing on a ‘ modernisation manifesto ’ .
10 Well ’ — he choked now with laughter — ‘ I would go in among those pigs and they would all start scratching a hole and there I would be standing on a clapboard looking down and nearly sick with the smell .
11 And I know full well now what it 's like to be standing on a picket line for seven months .
12 Hoomey happened to be standing on the grass , thinking he was well out of it , saw the horse 's great gobbling mouth advancing towards his ankles and leapt back , swallowing his chewing-gum .
13 On the prototype a 100VA transformer , which was unnecessarily big , but because it happened to be standing on the shelf , was used .
14 If the penalty award is five metres from the goal-line , as in this case , then defending players must be standing on the goal-line when the kick is taken if they wish legally to prevent a try being scored .
15 Derelict buildings , old workings , dams and hushes scar the land and everywhere there are the cones of spoil heaps that stretch acre upon acre in some places , so that you feel at times that you could be standing on the surface of the moon .
16 For soon after descending from their international express at Zurich 's main station , new arrivals may be standing on the bridge where Zurich 's river , the Limmat , joins its lake , the Zurichsee , looking up at green fields and trees , at ancient towers , or perhaps down-lake to a wide expanse of blue water criss-crossed by the wakes of pleasure steamers , decorated by the white sails of holidaying yachtsmen .
17 Wycliffe saw a gull which seemed to be standing on the water but as he watched it took off with a derisive squawk and he caught sight of the lattice framework of the Wheel lifting to the swell .
18 Falconer would have had to be standing on the very rim to slip and fall to his death .
19 Mother would n't have anything to do with it whatsoever , do n't you bring anything , any of that stuff into our house , I mean of course it be this New Zealand lamb had just arrived on the scene before the First Word War , I mean nobody was , anybody dare have it I mean they 'd be standing on the pavement at eleven o'clock at night almost giving it away on Saturday night , but anyway that 's all changed now , we all eat it .
20 Take the spaced out I 'm Standing On The Rim ’ , which has enough hints for at least three other songs .
21 Take the spaced out I 'm Standing On The Rim ’ , which has enough hints for at least three other songs .
22 I thought , ‘ Wow , I 'm standing on the top of the world ’ . ’
23 I 'm standing on the railway ?
24 Jack did not realise that vertical lines are always straight up and down even when you are standing on a hillside .
25 Andy and William are standing on a seat ; Andy leans out over a table laden with glasses , a champagne bottle in one hand and his other arm held by William , who leans out the opposite way to balance him .
26 A group of men are standing on the veranda .
27 You are standing on the edge now .
28 They had been crossing a scree ; there had been many loose stones , and footing was difficult , but surely at that point they had been traversing a gentler slope , and her employer had actually been standing on a flattish stretch of granite when she had fallen .
29 There can be no doubt that in the 112 years it has been standing on the embankment it has become a part of the London scene .
30 ‘ Toe-rag ! ’ he muttered , picking up the drink that had been standing on the glass above the labyrinth of numbers and wires .
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