Example sentences of "be responsible for an " in BNC.

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1 Also , strikes are responsible for an almost negligible amount of lost time compared with total hours worked by the employed population .
2 Oesophagostomum species are responsible for an enteritis in ruminants and pigs .
3 The big oil strike near Tollemarche had been responsible for an upheaval in the existing order ; and the fight for social status , before a fixed pecking order could be re-established , was a ruthless one , waged in every drawing-room , church hall and charitable institution .
4 Of course , you may not have been responsible for an existing problem .
5 It was not uncommon , when it was unclear who should be responsible for an elderly relative , to take turns .
6 Although an increase of some 30% in car usage is predicted for the remainder of the century , energy efficiency improvements will be responsible for an improvement of some 80% in miles per gallon of road vehicles .
7 While people may be held to be responsible for an action they may not always be asked to account for it .
8 Environmental chemicals and foods are said to be responsible for an unlimited variety of symptoms which occur in the absence of physical findings or abnormal laboratory results .
9 The fact that any part of a complex theoretical maze might be responsible for an apparent falsification poses a serious problem for the falsificationist relying on an unqualified method of conjectures and refutations .
10 Hughes will be responsible for an ad budget of more than £1m across all Rimmel branded goods , which includes lipsticks , eye make-up and the recently launched Silks nail polishes .
11 This gene seems to be neither an oncogene nor tumour supressor gene , but could be responsible for an increase in genetic instability by way of multiple replication errors within the genome .
12 Given the legal complexities of Community Charge and the rate of change it is essential that there are senior managers at the higher Principal Officer grade who can be responsible for particular aspects of Council Tax as well as being responsible for an operational group .
13 Meanwhile , Ulster Unionist leader Jim Molyneaux today accused John Hume of being responsible for an increase in Sinn Fein 's vote in Belfast .
14 If , on the other hand , one accepts Tyacke 's argument that predestination was the one mainstream belief down to 1625 , the Arminians were responsible for an unprecedented attack on a well-established orthodoxy , and their activities accordingly met with great hostility and resistance .
15 Polluters who were responsible for an oil spillage in the River Tees which closed a treatment works could be prosecuted .
16 A theory can not be conclusively falsified , because the possibility that some part of the complex test situation , other than the theory under test , is responsible for an erroneous prediction can not be ruled out .
17 Bad organization is responsible for an excess of meetings because decisions that should be routine become unclear and demand further discussion , sometimes as a matter of urgency .
18 In the meantime , I think David had come to realize that he was responsible for an enormous amount of business at RCA in the United Kingdom — something like 4% of their total gross was David Bowie products — and he was making an enormous amount of money but he did n't have anything .
19 Mathew believed that the war was responsible for an upward trend in homosexual behaviour and , together with Herbert Morrison , a policeman 's son , Labour right-winger and Home Secretary in the Attlee Government , sought to put an end to it .
20 Dr.Williams , it was said , ‘ was responsible for an intellectual awakening hitherto unknown ’ .
21 Other places were also hit savagely from time to time , but it is often difficult to tell from the registers which particular disease was responsible for an unusually high number of deaths .
22 It 's been revealed that a prostitute who was found murdered was responsible for an eight year old boy dying of a drugs overdose .
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