Example sentences of "be paid to [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In order to avoid unreasonable profiteering , only normal farming rents , presently £40 and £50 per acre , would be paid to affected landlords .
2 During training , particular attention should be paid to psychosocial assessment in view of the nature of the act and potential problems associated with it , such as risk of suicide , risk of repetition , and presence of psychiatric disorder .
3 When schemas need to be changed , considerable attention needs to be paid to internal barriers to change , or the best-laid strategies will fail .
4 According to the Finance Minister , Arne Skauge , the fund would also draw attention to the extent to which government finances were dependent on oil revenues and would ensure that in future closer attention would be paid to long-term use of the revenues .
5 To ensure that there is a sufficient supply of skilled people is the first of them , which requires that attention should be paid to advanced education .
6 It therefore ruled that the new pensions should be paid to existing pensioners , but at a value below that advocated by Beveridge .
7 Under this proposal , the resulting revenue would be earmarked ( no doubt against strong Treasury opposition ) for a fund , from which capital sums could be paid to selected groups in the population .
8 Can a pension be paid to other dependants ?
9 This finding confirms the need for considerable attention to be paid to general public education , to the various existing advice agencies and to such people as counter clerks , court officials , doctors and others in official agencies .
10 Attention should be paid to environmental factors which will aid the child ( details of which are suggested in Chapter 2 ) .
11 Particular attention will be paid to forwarding agents in inland areas where route choices via seaports could be expected to be at a maximum : ie the Midlands in England , eastern France , south-western Federal Republic of Germany , and Switzerland .
12 Cresson told UK Prime Minister John Major during a visit to London on Sept. 24 that compensation would be paid to British farmers whose lamb consignments had been attacked in France , and that protection would be provided for British and Irish lorries .
13 The Prime Minister , John Major , said last night that the rioting French fishermen should be brought to book and compensation should be paid to British firms whose fish were destroyed .
14 Close attention will be paid to newly-available Soviet archival data on economic development .
15 If some oversight were to be established there , then much greater attention would need to be paid to foreign experience .
16 He maintains ( 1980a , p. 163 ) that far greater attention should be paid to non-local influences , asserting that ‘ local political studies have fundamentally failed to explain the observed regularity of urban policy change across many decentralized authorities ’ .
17 Grants may be paid to local authorities in either a specific or general form .
18 A central government grant will continue to be paid to local authorities .
19 Therefore , some authors have suggested that plasma lipid levels are a further test of diabetic control , and if abnormal levels are detected careful attention should be paid to improving blood glucose control .
20 Rauwolfia is often quoted as an example by those who think that more attention should be paid to indigenous plant remedies .
21 The cash to be paid to accepting shareholders will be provided by the bidder 's shareholders and the underwriters according to the purchases they make .
22 The first of these tensions is about the degree of attention that needs to be paid to natural ( i.e. genetically given ) sex differences and similarities .
23 There were , indeed , large subsidies still being paid to state-owned industries such as British Leyland , Rolls Royce , and the coal and steel industries , even by that apparently doctrinaire minister of Trade and Industry , Sir Keith Joseph .
24 ‘ German research , ’ they added , ’ appears to suffer from lack of co-ordination … insufficient information is being paid to biological experimentation … ’
25 Such a development required a strong defence , and the point to which they referred time and time again was that ‘ modern conditions ’ made it imperative that education be structured into a coherent national system , with special attention being paid to working-class youth , not merely to trade classes for apprentices , but to the mass of young workers .
26 Special attention is being paid to income-earning environmental enterprises .
27 The research is being carried out in collaboration with researchers in the United States and considerable attention is being paid to national differences in heights and their implications for welfare and productivity .
28 Such a union would " evolve with due regard being paid to national identities and to the principle of subsidiarity …
29 $86,000 of charity funds which were paid to various political campaigns in breach of the Federal Income Tax Act which forbade donations of over Can .
30 Tributes were paid to deceased members of the Committee especially Mr. R. J. Armstrong , the late Chairman .
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