Example sentences of "be provided by [art] " in BNC.

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1 are provided by a range of resources available to the learner , permitting her to find her own answers .
2 The only other colours are provided by a snaking blue-black ribbon of tarmac stitched to the undulations of the terrain by a dotted white centreline and then , over a distant rise , a purple blister that is the far away Ayer 's Rock , famous for its colour changes at sunset .
3 As illustrated in the first chapter , formal community care services are provided by a variety of different agencies .
4 In some cases the management services are provided by a recognised housing association ; in other cases this is not so and the purchaser may be misled by the amount of help that could be expected in an emergency .
5 Information collected within operational systems , such as payroll , can feed into decision support systems such as are provided by a personnel data base , which in turn can be summarised for use in planning and modelling systems .
6 The main owner of such schools is usually and indirectly the Church of Ireland , and current expenditure and salaries are provided by the state , with the board of governors presided over by the local minister .
7 Good examples are provided by the earliest phase of Greek silver coinage , when large silver denominations tended to predominate .
8 Other good examples are provided by the Hannibalic War fought between the Romans and Carthaginians under Hannibal in 218–201 BC , and by the English Civil War of 1641–9 .
9 In this case , the firms relinquish responsibility for the instruments of production , which are provided by the workers themselves ( McEwan Scott 1979 ) .
10 This impressive scene is most safely surveyed from the north-eastern end where seats and couches are provided by the descending rocks ; clearly in view here is the cave discharging water from Rowten Cave and jingling Cave nearby .
11 Although no detailed provisions , independent of agriculture , are provided by the Directive to implement the references to countryside conservation ( because the Directive is based on Articles 42 and 43 of the Treaty of Rome ) the EEC Commission has always stated that there is considerable scope for flexibility in implementing the Directive 's many provisions .
12 No figures are provided by the 1955 Census .
13 Details on the size , use and security for the loan are provided by the borrower to the syndicate leader .
14 The first year ( and in some cases the sandwich year also ) of the following courses are provided by the local further education colleges listed :
15 And should you have an argument with your guitar , then full repair facilities are provided by the highly experienced John Beeby in premises directly behind the shop .
16 Winter colour and fragrance are provided by the yellow flowers of Mahonia japonica and the witch hazel , Hamamelis mollis Pallida , which forms a small shrub and flowers between January and February .
17 It is these aspects , of control and conformity , which are provided by the auditing of accounts , and which would not be available from a compilation report .
18 The British Geological Survey 's capabilities for investigations of subsurface water-rock systems in sedimentary and crystalline rocks with low permeabilities are provided by the Fluid Processes Group ( FPG ) .
19 Curriculum adaptations and support teaching sessions are provided by the resource teacher , and these sessions may be given either on a withdrawal basis or within the classroom .
20 The point is that in nation-states , education systems are provided by the state authorities and will thus inevitably have the net effect of focusing positive views of the nation they serve .
21 Because they are provided by the employer , the maximum benefit allowed is two-thirds of final salary ; and , as from the 1989 Budget , the same rules apply as for final salary schemes .
22 This is manufactured by Sony Corp , while audio capabilities are provided by the Sound Blaster chip set .
23 General Instrument will integrate the system into its next generation of addressable cable television converters , enabling users to use their televisions to gain access to on-demand movies , interactive home shopping and similar services — where they are provided by the cable operator .
24 Grants specifically for heritage are provided by the small Historic Monuments and Site Fund run by DGX .
25 Health and social care for older people are provided by the formal sector ( i.e. agencies of the state such as hospitals ) and the informal network of family and friends .
26 Two of many examples of nomic correlates , although the matter is in several ways complex , are provided by the interdependent variation of the pressure of a gas and its volume and temperature , according to the Boyle-Charles law for ideal gases , and the orbits of the two stars which make up a double star , which are held close together by mutual gravitational attraction .
27 Sometimes the copy and photographs are provided by the sponsor as a package .
28 Functionalists imply that roles are provided by the social system and individuals enact their roles as if they were reading off a script which contains explicit directions for their behaviour .
29 The debt to Italy , and particularly to Venice , is apparent in many of the finest buildings in Šibenik , Trogir , Split and Dubrovnik , and one does not need the constant reminders of their origins which are provided by the many replicas of the winged lion of St Mark 's which adorn them .
30 These are provided by the actuarial statistics er er er section of the life office , and they 're actually very accurate .
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