Example sentences of "be saying that [art] " in BNC.

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1 So you 're saying that an assessment of the inspection results is quality control ?
2 ‘ We 're saying that the plates had passengers on them and it is these pieces of flotsam and jetsam , not the crustal plates , that have made the most impact on land formation , ’ Blake says .
3 Yeah , yeah question so , so we 're , we 're saying that the difference between male and female roles in this disruptive selection .
4 So you 're saying that the treasurer was wrong to say that er in funding
5 we , we , we , we , we 've , we 've , we 've got one decision I think which we are making , which is that we should n't at the moment , make any recruitment until we 've got confirmation that we can guarantee employment next year , se , secondly I think we 're saying that the first appointment that we do want to make is of a complaint examiner , and that if further investigators leave us , then we would n't be seeking to replace them as investigators , we 'd be seeking to replace with the complaint examiner , that , that , that ,
6 So really it 's understood in these allegations that you 're saying that the solicitors should have invited your client to provide them with the authority to write to the bank .
7 No no no but we 're saying that the chiller should have been put on wh
8 Well now you 're saying that the one that was injured was n't one .
9 It 's not bad , we 're saying that the rules here are that if you 're caught dealing you 're gon na be suspended but
10 But I am saying that the phrase ‘ there occur mental processes ’ does not mean the same sort of thing as ‘ there occur physical processes ’ , and , therefore , that it makes no sense to conjoin or disjoin the two .
11 And it is against the background of this kind of ethnographic experience that I am saying that the recognition of a distinction Natural/Supernatural ( Real/ Imaginary ) is a basic marker of humanity .
12 With the COSE Common Open System Environment agreement only just signed , sources are saying that a further agreement may be only 30 days away on WOSE — the Windows Open Systems Environment — which perhaps will be based on the technology Sun Microsystems Inc has been fostering from Praxis Corp .
13 With the COSE agreement only just signed , sources are saying that a further agreement may be only thirty days away on WOSE — the Windows Open Systems Environment — perhaps based on the technology Sun Microsystems has fostered from Praxis .
14 Local authorities themselves are saying that a register will be needed .
15 The Health and Safety Executive ( HSE ) are saying that the situation is depressing , with a lack of effective control .
16 You are saying that the answer is to do that which is inherently contradictory , to make the silent majority speak , to make the average the exception and so on .
17 Meanwhile more religious Muslim parents are saying that the answer to it all is single sex schools .
18 Now scientists are saying that the land itself is foreign and that it too has travelled vast distances across ancient oceans — at the rate of some 25 cm a year .
19 Effectively , Prince are saying that the racket adjusts to every shot , quite a claim .
20 In fact some City professionals are saying that the licensed dealer should be a protected species , or it will shortly become extinct .
21 Analysts are saying that the price will be static for a while , or might even go down .
22 By concentrating on the international dimension of the UK 's crossroads we are saying that the structural changes are conditioned by the UK 's international position — — however we conceive it — and are at least partly determined by structural changes in the international economy .
23 In saying that the crisis of legitimacy is central , we are saying that the penal crisis is in essence a moral crisis .
24 ‘ If I read you rightly , ’ said Radulfus , having searched Cadfael 's face , and found it in very grave earnest , ‘ you are saying that the young man was attacked in mistake for a Benedictine brother . ’
25 ‘ Then , by the same token , ’ said the earl , ‘ you are saying that the man who finished the work was one who did have cause to want Aldhelm removed from the world , before he ever reached the abbey gatehouse .
26 A whole new and virile Christian movement , the house churches , has emerged ; and yet many are saying that the day of the charismatic movement is over , and that its emphases were either trivial or misguided .
27 I derive the greatest satisfaction from the fact that the Government , through the Gracious Speech , are saying that the highest priority will be given to the improvement of public services .
28 The various lawyers acting for the pressure groups that advocate the law breaking are saying that the Shops Act 1950 is not extant and that the referral to the European Court of Justice implies that the 1950
29 Again , the Government are saying that the procedures are there and nothing further need be done .
30 ‘ A lot of people are saying that the board must get its act together and get some money to spend .
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