Example sentences of "be coming out [prep] " in BNC.

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1 th they 're coming out into community so you 're seeing more of them .
2 Even though they 're coming out on the inside .
3 You 're coming out with me . ’
4 But you 've decided why you , you 're just rising to the bait then are n't you , if these arguments are between you , and you 're coming out with all this , it just makes you look stupid because you 're , you 're into , are n't you ?
5 And those forget-me-nots that are called blue ball and are supposed to have brilliant blue flowers , they 're coming out with erm tiny pinkey , purpley flowers .
6 She said oh no she says your name gone in and you 've er won a weekend in Wales I think , oh what a load of old bollocks they 're coming out with here .
7 Look , they 're coming out for play time .
8 So it is a lot of money we 're talking about I mean we 're five hundred , eight hundred , if we do this as well , we 're coming out to one thousand between one thousand three hundred to one thousand four hundred pounds for advertising .
9 A ten-day course will protect against ulcers and bacterial disease that might otherwise strike when the fish are coming out of dormancy and are at their weakest .
10 I am genuinely happy that South Africa are coming out of the cold and I see in their choice of countries some kind of divine justice .
11 The BOR is generous too , especially to those in trouble , and many reports are coming out of men sharing their rations with hungry villagers or of bringing the MO to see some sick Burmans .
12 Perhaps the Greeks are emerging from the long , mesmerising spell that history has cast upon them ; perhaps they are coming out of their corner .
13 A major exhibition of Tibetan art opened at the Royal Academy on 18 September as reports are coming out of Tibet that the Chinese have recently completed the ‘ restoration ’ of the Dalai Lama 's Potala Palace and the Jokhang Temple in Lhasa .
14 As the right hon. Gentleman knows , a number of countries around the world are in recession , are heading towards recession or are coming out of recession .
15 That in itself is a sign that we are coming out of the recession .
16 ‘ The selectors are taking a great interest in Irish golf simply because the better players are coming out of this island .
17 Then I saw the top tier of the cake and that has got to be the er piece , piece de resistance I think as the French say and I know that some very exciting ideas are coming out of the South East region .
18 ‘ It is my view that many companies have weathered the recession and are coming out of it , but unfortunately there will still be casualties .
19 But now the naturists are coming out of from behind the bushes in growing numbers .
20 We need to challenge the ideology which claims the market knows best , despite claims that we are coming out of recession , we are still losing thousands of jobs because , as we know all too well , the market will always neglect our nation 's long-term interest for the short-term profits of speculators and asset strippers .
21 Genetic experimentation remains the most popular theory , but though Hopkins has plenty of wild stories about artificial insemination , or half-breed alien/human babies already in existence ( all strictly off the record of course ) all he 's prepared to say is that things are coming out into the open .
22 Now you are coming out into the open .
23 Yeah , the catholic are coming out at half past nine are n't they .
24 And those forget me nots that 're called blue ball and are supposed to have brilliant blue flowers are coming out with tiny pinky purple flowers .
25 It used to be very covert but now we are coming out from behind the bushes . ’
26 The words are coming out in the right order .
27 The old Moscow publishers Iskusstvo managed to release just one book last year , and having exhausted its resources , it was forced to suspend publication of the journal Iskusstvo , which has been coming out for a number of decades .
28 This must be the first year when new rock boot models have n't been coming out of everyone 's ears .
29 A wheel designed just to go on turning , never stopping , so that for a hundred years with a hundred more to follow , she had been coming out of this cottage doorway , carrying her carpet-bag , filling her lungs with this damp , sooty air which had started to make Liam cough , reminding herself — as one simply had to do — to be thankful for such mercies as came her way , however small .
30 The problem is that more has been coming out of the pot than going into it over recent years .
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