Example sentences of "be reason for [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There would only be reason for despair if more general affluence had been accompanied by a withdrawal from the regard for precious substances , since this would imply rejection of the notion of excellence , the basis not merely of cultural advance but of the very attainment of humanity .
2 If Saddam Hussein or Colonel Qaddaffi were bidding for control of a firm that employs 130,000 people , makes explosives and could be made to make chemical weapons , that would be reason for concern .
3 Any of these are reason for alarm as they could be expensive to rectify .
4 If clear focus on global market niches is the watchword for the 1990s , Britain 's 43 companies in the latest Fortune 500 ranking of the world 's largest companies — more than Germany or France — are reason for hope .
5 Now there is reason for hope .
6 I believe that , while we have a strong Conservative Government , that is reason for optimism for the immediate future . ’
7 Still , there was reason for optimism .
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