Example sentences of "be usually [adj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Right Doug erm there 's a couple of points there really erm like you , you got the , the , the guy and you said who else do you know why not paint a picture , you know , erm like for example Jim the people I do business with are between twenty five and thirty five , they 're usually married buying their own home
2 They 're usually happy to help out , as it gives them extra pocket money .
3 they 're usually just notes , they 're usually ill formed and not very well backed up and ill thought out and then gradually you know you sort of go through it again and you can fit more detail in
4 I am usually able to come up with an idea
5 when I want to buy a shirt , that men 's shirts are usually all sealed up in a package
6 The final problem , that of disposing of the young , is easily taken care of in the case of Angels ; friends , clubmates , and dealers are usually keen to acquire good Angels .
7 When people draft contracts they are usually keen to limit or exclude their liabilities and yet wish to ensure that the other party was absolutely bound to perform his part of the contract .
8 You get about fifty with the package , and the balance when you send your registration card back — as good a reason as any for registering , since images of this quality are usually expensive to buy .
9 ( A trifling proportion , perhaps — though students of the trivial are usually intrigued to learn that all the dissolved salts in the sea , were they to be dried out , would be enough to cover the entire land surface of the planet to a depth of 150 feet . )
10 When passing on to them family news , which they are usually anxious to hear , remember that the time for leaning on them with your more serious troubles is now past ; so unless there is some inescapable reason for giving them bad news , try to protect them from it , for they will probably be worrying about it in isolation until your next visit .
11 It is much more straightforward to have warrants set aside and negotiations entered into in the County Court whereas Magistrates Courts are usually unwilling to reconsider until a warrant has been returned to the court .
12 Because of inflation , now about 20% a month , they are usually unwilling to lend for longer than three to six months , and would prefer to stick to simple trade finance .
13 Plywood and hardboard sheets , which are usually V-grooved to represent planking , are nailed through the grooves using fine pins , and the holes are filled , using a coloured filler .
14 Acceptable shares are usually those listed on the UK stock exchange or the Unlisted Securities Market .
15 Families are usually unable to describe how they function to an outsider and so questions that enquire about this directly are likely to be unhelpful .
16 People in regions with low house prices are usually unable to afford to purchase a house in a higher priced area , whereas those in the higher priced areas are unwilling to move out in view of the lower capital gains to be made .
17 They are the ones who are usually prepared to co-operate with , and to help , research workers : people who are so expert that they know all the answers have no perception of the value of research .
18 This scarcity of evidence does not mean that the evolution of secondary sexual characters through female choice is uncommon , for mating preferences are usually difficult to demonstrate , particularly where inter-male competition is also involved .
19 Mycoplasmas are the smallest free-living microorganisms known to man are usually difficult to culture in the laboratory .
20 The advantage of such systems is their reliability and speed of implementation but they are usually difficult to modify .
21 The courts are usually slow to attribute contributory negligence to an employee where the employer is in breach of statutory duty .
22 Supermarkets and libraries too are usually willing to give over part of their foyer for a limited time for exhibitions of children 's work .
23 When this happens , however , opposing parties are usually willing to work towards a common view if they are brought together for joint discussions by a neutral .
24 Women make up almost 60 per cent of all first callers to Housing Debtline [ said Simon Johnson in 1988 ] , and are usually willing to discuss their problems frankly and be guided by their adviser .
25 Most retail outlets , with the possible exception of department stores , operate a reasonably flexible pricing structure and are usually willing to bargain , within certain parameters , to secure a sale .
26 The Departments of Industry and Environment , the Health and Safety Executive and local authority environmental health departments are usually willing to offer advice as are private consultants .
27 First , they are usually shorter to answer , and so save time .
28 This is not surprising , because although capitalists and socialists are usually reluctant to spell out their plans for global domination , Green politics are largely based on a straightforward conception of planet earth and what needs to de done at the global level to sustain human life on it .
29 The view taken by the majority was surprising as the decision of the minister not to intervene was clearly one of policy with which the courts are usually reluctant to interfere .
30 Local junior schools usually willingly accept invitations to run a stall at infant school events and secondary schools are usually eager to provide very professional looking displays at primary school parents ' meetings .
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