Example sentences of "be among [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 People said it was painted by " the students " — they 're among the few willing takers who get homes on hard-to-let estates — who sound like Siberian exiles doing good works among the peasants .
2 Still , this would no doubt be among the least of our differences .
3 However , parliamentary debate on the bill was postponed until the autumn session since there was much public criticism of PS politicians many of whom were expected to be among the several thousand likely to benefit from the amnesty .
4 The weakness in passenger traffic , which fell 8 p.c last year , and operating losses have not prevented the airline from launching the most successful expansion programme among European airlines so far , in a bid to be among the few groups which are expected to survive deregulation over the next few years .
5 Garlic , cloves , chives , tarragon , peppers and even nettles are among the many ingredients often combined with mustard
6 Ambivalence towards European culture , doubts about the possibilities of finding an authentic voice , a restless search for confidence and self-esteem , these are among the many bitter fruits of colonial rule in Latin America .
7 Roddy Llewellyn , Tony Clements , Daphne Ledward , Stefan Buczacki , Alan Titchmarsh , and most memorably for Harry , Percy Thrower , are among the many illustrious figures who have visited .
8 No doubt you are among the many who have tried every diet around only to find that they just did n't work .
9 If you are among the many pensioners who had their pension deferred ( in other words you put off receiving it ) as a means of escaping the earnings Rule , you have the choice whether to start claiming your pension or to continue deferment .
10 Our data indicate that cytokines are among the many proteins that bind to endothelial surfaces in a GAG-dependent fashion .
11 Such tactical devices are among the many outward and visible signs that national policy-making and policy assumptions still prevail in Europe : governments often tend to assist national champion companies first .
12 This imagery is even more extraordinary when one considers that in this country , the Christian Churches are among the few places of worship where women can go whether they are menstruating or not .
13 It was built in 876 , and those ancient parts of the church that remain are among the few fragments from that time that still exist , not only in Milan , but also in Lombardy .
14 Handicrafts are among the few activities that employ Indians on their reservations .
15 Arctic char Salvelinus alpinus , which spawn in rivers and fatten in the sea during their fourth and fifth years , capelin Mallotus villosus , which winter in deep water but rise to form huge surface shoals in summer , and arctic cod Boreogadus saida are among the few pelagic , plankton-feeding fish in both polar and subpolar waters .
16 Blowflies , psillid bugs and bumblebees are among the few that winter as adults , seeking sheltered corners under rocks and vegetation , close to the soil and under an insulating layer of snow .
17 Too few mass literacy campaigns have even acknowledged this fact ; Grenada , Zimbabwe and Burkina Faso are among the few exceptions .
18 If you are among the few unlucky ones and would like to try an alternative attack — please get in touch with me .
19 Larger marine creatures certain to suffer include porpoises and sea snakes , the bottlenose and humpback dolphin , the green and hawksbill turtles , which lay their eggs on tiny Gulf islands , and , most worryingly , the dugong , or sea cow , a relatively rare marine mammal , whose colonies in the Gulf are among the few remaining in the world .
20 I am among the latter .
21 They were among a few people who came back to see over the property again quite a few times , and I met their sons .
22 These were among the many questions asked when Esquire commissioned MORI to undertake Britain 's most detailed survey of male sexuality .
23 Purcell , Haydn and Schubert were among the many who derived most of their basic musical training from being apprenticed as choristers .
24 Kirkcudbright , Huntly , Eyemouth , Stirling and Edinburgh were among the many places which yielded unwanted vehicles for the collection .
25 Sportsmen , journalists , newspaper photographers and local political figures were among the many walking in the cortege .
26 Our two friends Jacques and Odile were among the many .
27 The US was yesterday sheltering on its bases at least two participants in the coup attempt who were among the few to escape death or capture .
28 ‘ Vzglyad ’ and ‘ TSN ’ were singled out because they were among the few television programmes willing to challenge Mr Kravchenko .
29 They had blue-chip credit standing , and were among the few counterparties with plenty of fixed-rate interest payments to swap for floating-rate ones .
30 Its wharves were among the few where steam vessels outnumbered sailing ships at that time .
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