Example sentences of "be enough for [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 It had been enough for her that he was a man who thought his house a good point of departure for the Piero della Francesca trail .
2 ‘ Mere existence had never been enough for him ; he had always wanted something more . ’
3 Mere existence had not been enough for him , in the Epilogue 's diagnosis ; he had always wanted something more .
4 Ulpian also cites another equivalent wording , ‘ the vineyards or farm are enough for you ’ ( sufficiunt tibi vineae vel fundus ) .
5 The income from the farm and lands are enough for us to live in comparative comfort without going cap-in-hand to common tradesmen .
6 How could she ever have thought that his negligent self-involvement would be enough for her ?
7 For all that , once would be enough for her .
8 While Benjamin Dale , the composer , or Leigh Henry , the critic , lectured on Stravinsky and Schoenberg ( in 1915 ! ) , two companies of music-hall artists competed with Legs and the Woman ( the title after Shaw … ) and with the camp 's first ragtime chorus in drag : Down in Ruhleben , there I want to be , Four thousand boys would be enough for me !
9 I thought of Tagore who said , ‘ withhold from me the things that man desire and want ; leave me only what they despise and overlook , they will be enough for me . ’
10 ‘ An affair with you is never going to be enough for me . ’
11 Perhaps that would be enough for them , if not for himself .
12 Glentoran had their chances — good ones — but did n't convert them and now face a battle to make the quarter finals ; Portadown 's disciplined display today should be enough for them .
13 ‘ That will be enough for him , because he knows that next time he will make more money , perhaps 10 , perhaps even 50 per cent .
14 He also became a familiar weekend guest with friends like the Morleys , the Reads and the Richmonds , although his other duties were such that he was careful to ration the amount of time spent in this way : two weekends a month tended to be enough for him .
15 ‘ You start on the vodka and there wo n't be enough for us . ’
16 Make it midday ; that 'll be enough for us .
17 Look here , my mother knows me and that ought to be enough for you . ’
18 But then I do n't suppose that would be enough for you , and after all this is Boy 's story mostly , he is after all in a proper sense my hero , and you have to have this Boy clearly in your mind before we can proceed .
19 That should be enough for you . ’
20 When she knew her daughter was out of the room , and still with the poker in her hand , Peggy took a step towards him , saying , ‘ Well , that should be enough for you , should n't it ? enough proof .
21 It were enough for me to take back to our branch and say " it 's us against them " . "
22 It is enough for her to know that things are going badly for Mrs Thatcher and the Tory party ; the details of the Westland affair do not engage her interest .
23 Surprisingly the Canyon Conference Centre is enough for her .
24 A couple of hours of any party is enough for me , Brian has said , and we 'll have to stay until midnight , so I 'm certainly not turning up before ten .
25 It is enough for me to say that , on the basis of those two cases , the arguments of the two councils in the Stoke-on-Trent case struck your Lordships as being very powerful , but not sufficiently powerful to persuade your Lordships ' House that it need not refer the matter to the European Court of Justice under article 177 .
26 Now , I 've got ta tell ya , that in itself is enough for me to say close it , anything that 's related to Co Coronation Street .
27 It would seem that we now have four hundred thousand pounds available that was n't apparent before , and that 's come from the Department of the Environment , and that is enough for me to say well , we 've got something out of it , it was n't a fiasco or a waste of time and now I can rejoin the Conservative group with some degree of credibility .
28 ‘ Once is enough for him to be of use .
29 Even if we meet with fellow humans from other parts of our globe where the spoken and written languages are different , the common , basic sense of meaning which we carry in our minds is enough for us to communicate through gesture and signs and to know that , should we care to , we can learn each other 's language .
30 On the other hand we are fortunate indeed if we happen to be in a business that is so secure that it is enough for us to make effortless decisions that never require us to do more than flow along with established patterns .
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