Example sentences of "be doing [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And they 're doing her for a road traffic accident at Morrow Road when Simon the bike .
2 I think there 's still too much ‘ You do that , you do this ’ in the big record companies , but that 's bollocks too , because without the artists knowing what they 're doing nobody in the record company would have a job . ’
3 There 's no toilets , nothing for them , I mean they 're doing everything in public , I mean it 's not right , it 's making life bad and this is meant to be a holiday resort .
4 No , they 're doing one on their own , no , we 'll come back to that later on .
5 But if you 're doing something for 7,000 , the costs will be more per person per day .
6 It helps our children to know that they 're doing something for those children .
7 They 're doing something at the boy 's school , but we 're not doing anything personally .
8 Well yes , you 're doing something on your own are n't you ?
9 And we 're doing something on the character of the Christian , er I ca n't , obedience , , righteousness is one and I ca n't remember what the other is .
10 ‘ People like to feel that they 're doing something with their savings .
11 Every time they open their mouths , they 're there and they 're doing something about you .
12 Well at least they 're doing something about it
13 So because we 're doing something from our normal end of the spectrum as it were right through to trying to involve everybody in the city , erm we 're hoping to get the issue across to a lot more people , and also raise money while we 're doing it .
14 I mean if you 're doing something like selling ice cream ,
15 Faced with lingering criticisms that NT is still fat and slow , they 're doing lots of performance tuning and debugging — which of course leads to the burning issue of when NT will actually be released .
16 Faced with lingering criticisms that NT is still fat and slow , they 're doing lots of performance tuning and debugging , which of course leads to the burning issue of when NT will actually be shipped .
17 no cos we 're doing my , taping my , we 're doing it onto a tape , music from L A Law , so what do we need to do ?
18 but the , but the proce , the , er the , the whole thing works on the same principal but now they 're doing it without , with less effort .
19 Here we 're doing it through the lens of a contemporary artist . ’
20 He took a drink and went on , " Okay , so they 're invading Earth , but they 're doing it as a tax dodge so that — "
21 And we 're not being paid , I mean , we 're doing it as volunteers .
22 ‘ I 'm not doing anything to you , ’ he breathed into her ear , ‘ we 're doing it to each other . ’
23 Cos you 're doing it to yourself not to them .
24 When you put the and that 's the difference about drama at college is you 're doing it to please yourself and the , the group that you 're in with and ultimately I suppose your tutor but when you do something like a pantomime when you 're doing it to please the punters
25 at the end of the day it does n't really make no odds , as long as I 'm not the bloke you 're doing it to !
26 ‘ You 're doing it for the child she 's foisting on you .
27 ‘ It 's always the case of black people having to go mainstream to be accepted , instead of us doing our shit how we wan na do it and them coming over and taking a look , ’ says Roger D. ‘ We 're doing it for ourselves now .
28 You an me , the artists , we 're doing it for no-one 's eyes but our own , are n't we ? but while fundamental , as far as the book 's concerned , this is a minor point .
29 They 're doing it for a dictionary for erm sch for students .
30 If they 're doing it for the right reasons , like the lady over there , a loving couple with a child .
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