Example sentences of "be fewer [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Ophiomedea duplicata may be mistaken for a juvenile Ophiotrema alberti , it differs from that species by the following characters ; the jaw shape is as wide as long not longer than wide as in O. alberti ; there are fewer oral papillae and oral tentacle scales than in O. alberti , the ventral arm plates are bell shaped with a distinctly widened distal edge , the ventral arm plates of O. alberti being more pentagonal or rectangular with rounded edges and the distal edge indented but not widened .
2 Whether it 's the Police Band or one from a nearby mill town , there are fewer nicer ways to end a summer day in Leeds than to sit in a deckchair at sunset , listening to the haunting sound of the trumpets and trombones .
3 A comparison of birth rates over the last 20 years also shows a there are fewer regional variations .
4 Alternatively , buying organisations may themselves be faced with concentration amongst suppliers , and find that there are fewer alternative sources of domestic supply .
5 Pay particular attention to the skin on the shins which is often very flaky and dry because there are fewer sebaceous glands here .
6 The fact that there are fewer young workers could mean that people have to retire later in the future .
7 Doubtless some protestant paramilitaries — though there have been fewer religious persons among them than in the case of the provisionals — hold to similar religious understandings of the necessity of violence under certain circumstances .
8 Consequently there have been fewer serious efforts towards obtaining effective solutions .
9 For a start , as there were not nearly as many competitors , there would have been fewer qualifying runs .
10 If committees were to be as business-like in this as in other matters , they would resort to this method rather than to mountebank exhibitions , in which the bold and unscrupulous fare best , and the honest and modest worst and there would be fewer vain regrets and miserable depositions afterwards , than is unhappily the case at present .
11 There should be fewer larger committees responsible for a whole range of related services-leisure , transport , education , housing , social services , for example .
12 One obvious consequence of this is smaller families , which means that there will be fewer potential carers when the present generation of parents reaches old age or when a sibling becomes disabled .
13 Two contrasting features mark the relations between Rome and the Greek world during the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. On the one hand commercial relations must have decreased because there were fewer Greek imports than in the sixth century .
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