Example sentences of "be made [adv] clear " in BNC.

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1 These discrepancies have been made particularly clear in the comparison of his statements concerned with local government reform and his treatment of the draft structure plan for the Borders region .
2 The latter notion has never been made very clear , but it was one much promoted by Minsky in the late 1960s ( it enormously influenced Winograd 's view of the organization of a language understanding system , for example ) ; its essence was that there need be no permanent upper node of a system , as there always is in a hierarchical system , but that different nodes at different ‘ levels ’ could take control at different times .
3 By that time it had been made very clear to Jessamy — in the politest way possible — that she definitely was n't socially acceptable .
4 The services take a serious view of bullying and it has been made very clear that bullying and ill-treatment will not be tolerated .
5 Unfortunately it would appear , or perhaps fortunately , depending on , on one 's views , erm , the policy has always been quite clear , that we should treat them in exactly the same way as we treat the independent sector , and that there would be an arm 's length independent inspection , that has now been made explicitly clear that that is the requirement , and therefore you would have to withdraw that and say that if there is a requirement to find a further two hundred and fifty thousand pounds ' worth of savings , we will have to go and identify another area rather than that .
6 The matter has been made much clearer by the work of M. J. Taylor and Roger Short .
7 It should have been made quite clear to you from the beginning that MI5 's word on this would be final . ’
8 That has been made quite clear , categorically clear , by everyone in Vienna .
9 The Government 's repugnance for that organisation and everything it stands for has been made absolutely clear on repeated occasions .
10 I repeat our position , which has been made absolutely clear by my right hon. Friends .
11 That the crass inversion of reality caricatured in these aspects of the popular image of Hitler was in large measure a product of the deliberate distortions of Nazi propaganda has been made abundantly clear in the preceding chapters .
12 In the person of Mary of Guise , it had been made abundantly clear that neither a French background nor an assertive Protestant aristocracy was a bar to the exercise of power and the acquisition of respect .
13 But this was shown to be an unattainable goal for the simple reason that the meaning of an existential proposition can not be made fully clear without making use of some existential proposition or other as part of the explanans .
14 Just how petty , greedy and self-interested others really are will be made perfectly clear to you during the next few days and your reaction to them may well be to decide to turn off the charm and the money supply forthwith .
15 It must be made perfectly clear that the member of the council was engaged on ‘ approved duty ’ which is defined in section 177(2) of the Local Government Act 1972 as follows : —
16 The intention to do so must therefore be made perfectly clear , for otherwise the court will consider that the exempted party was only to be free from liability in respect of damage occasioned by causes other than the negligence for which he is answerable .
17 Before very long , however , it was to be made abundantly clear to her that legal equality was not enough ; the ability to exert force was the key not merely to ascendancy , but also to genuine equality .
18 The purpose of the technique should be made very clear to parents so that they can also make it clear to the child what they are doing and why they are doing it .
19 Immigrants must be made very clear about this .
20 This is covered by the Client Care Scheme , but again the staffing structure in the office must be made very clear to the client from the outset in order to keep the client 's confidence in the ability of the conveyancer 's business to fulfil the service required successfully .
21 ‘ Let it be made quite clear that there is no doubt about the position of my government ; Germany stands fully behind the Single European Act and its objectives , ’ Dr Kohl declared .
22 Nevertheless , despite the necessity to protect children from being misled by the stories of ‘ heaven ’ and miracles , it should be made quite clear to them that most of the stories of good works attributed to the people involved are most likely to be true , and as these people are believed to have done much more good than most , they have been given a place in the windows of the churches and in paintings and elsewhere .
23 Of course , in any particular study it must be made quite clear what we are talking about — what is being compared with what .
24 The importance of the distinction between ‘ public ’ and ‘ private ’ can be made somewhat clearer by considering an important jurisprudential debate that took place largely in response to the deliberations of the Wolfenden Committee .
25 Moreover , by 1935 , if not before , it was being made abundantly clear that anti-Semitic outrages and terroristic hooliganism aimed at Jews by Party activists were generally unpopular among the public at large .
26 From about 1860 the European agricultural sector entered a period of crisis in which the baleful influence of the backward Prussian agricultural system and its links with the politics of the Prussian east were made abundantly clear : the mechanisms which the Junkers managed to hide from the German populace were at last revealed .
27 The reasons for such an assumption were made quite clear during the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries .
28 The ritualized nature of the contest is made particularly clear by what happens if one of the fish finds itself with a temporary , but irregular , advantage .
29 Coming from a lower middle class Manchester family , he understood the need for hard work and this is made very clear in his diaries .
30 Because travelling at walking pace is so rare an experience for car drivers , the Woonerf must be well designed to ensure that the need for low speeds is made very clear .
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