Example sentences of "be made all the " in BNC.

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1 And it 's been made all the more interesting by brightly coloured accessories — many from Julie 's home town in Trinidad .
2 ‘ The day 's events are made all the more hectic by the many telephone calls and queries I receive from members of the public , fellow officers and councillors .
3 ‘ The killings are made all the more reprehensible by the fact that innocent children were involved , ’ he said .
4 But if IBM faces another year or two of turmoil in the United States , its problems will be made all the worse by foreign woes .
5 While his crimes , he said , were not the ‘ worst form of indecent assault ’ they were made all the more serious because of his position .
6 It is made all the more unfair by the fact that the institutions have been deprived of any real access to the water authorities .
7 A peculiarly bad film which is made all the more dreadful by scattered shots of Greek swains sitting beside ancient pillars and playing their pipes , Ships with Wings represented a turning point for Balcon , who had supervised the film 's production at his Ealing Studios .
8 This is made all the easier after first experiencing the hover at the ‘ edge ’ .
9 The contrast is made all the more poignant by the ‘ Lithium ’ promo vid and its scenes of psyched-up mayhem from last year 's Reading .
10 This task is made all the more necessary by the fact that opponents of absolute holism often find it strongly counter-intuitive , not to say absurd ; although they can grasp it at a very general level , they have difficulty in imagining either how it could be developed , or what would make it plausible .
11 A struggle that is made all the harder by the fact that , at least within the social sciences , the majority of academic practitioners have many other aims besides the scientific .
12 The process is made all the easier by the Cel Editor allowing you to animate the cels you have produced , within the editor itself , so you can see how it looks , and make any alterations you think necessary .
13 It is made all the more aggravating when people living inside the city know how little it costs the authorities outside the city to do precisely the same job .
14 Couples 's task was made all the easier by a sad collapse of Craig Parry , who had led after three rounds but flinched , it seemed , from the prospect of becoming the first Australian to win the Masters .
15 It was a very sunny day and it was made all the more complete by Albert being on duty on the return journey .
16 Arsenal 's lack of genuine quality in midfield was made all the more painful by a fine display by David Rocastle .
17 The trip was made all the worse by Frankie 's morbid fear of flying .
18 An SVR4-on-Alpha plan has been in the works for as long as a year ( UX No 386 ) and was made all the more likely when Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA announced it would implement SVR4 on the high-end Alpha AXP systems it is to market .
19 The incident was made all the more galling by the fact that neither climber had broken an axe of crampon in 27 years of combined mountaineering experience !
20 However , the task of a new nanny was made all the more difficult because the children , bewildered and unhappy , felt that they had come to take the place of their mother .
21 It was made all the more intense because it was directed inwards .
22 It was made all the more infuriating by the fact that she had dressed with more than usual care , splashing out far more than she could afford on a red silk jersey creation from an expensive boutique .
23 Owen 's reaction touched him on a sore spot ; and it was made all the sorer by an angry feeling inside him that there had indeed been incompetence , Egyptian incompetence , that he , Mahmoud , was ultimately responsible for it — and that there was absolutely nothing that he could in practice do about it .
24 His job was made all the more easier by drivers who had n't bothered to take measures to stop people like him .
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