Example sentences of "be going to go on " in BNC.

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1 We 're going to go on to the effects of chilling and what damage does that do ?
2 We 're going to go on to what used to be called club foot which is a fairly gross word word Right
3 It 's essential that we we understand this orbiting bit because that makes it makes the seasons which we 're going to go on to do .
4 So until I hear otherwise I am going to go on thinking of Jerusalem as a place where Arab , Jew and Christian have a crossroads and a task to effect reconciliation that will take deeds , not words , to achieve .
5 But they did agree to disagree about the how and why of storytelling and , as Ms Sontag concluded , ‘ We are going to go on talking about this for many years but now , alas , we have to stop ’ .
6 You have to believe that if you and she are going to go on living together . ’
7 For instance , if we want a trajectory that goes then we start in region 1 ; to get to region 3 we must be in the right-hand " third " of region 1 ; if we are going to go on from region 3 to region 4 , we must be in the right-hand " third " of that " third " ; and , to go on to region 2 , in the left " third " of that " third " , etc .
8 ‘ I just got the impression you were going to go on arguing all night . ’
9 One can not really believe that the whole of the world is going to go on maximizing production of agricultural produce , when — I much is already destined to end up as mountains of grain , or butter , or meat — or lakes of wine or olive oil .
10 She is going to go on behaving beautifully and so I shall be forced to behave like a pig to establish the difference between us .
11 We 're just at the beginning of it and this is going to go on till the end of April or May now , it 'll be like this .
12 Normally , the time is fifteen minutes , and for fifteen minutes it 's five fifty , so if you 've got a lot of hair , it 's quite coarse , it 's going to go on for several months .
13 It sounds as though it 's going to go on forever then .
14 It also made me think that perhaps I had more control over the whole presentation generally which is my biggest concern so get up there and just do some and therefore it 's going to go on to the confidence side of it .
15 I do n't know how long it 's going to go on for , or what it is exactly but I thought it would be a good idea to ring your dad up and see .
16 I suddenly had the sense that this was going to go on for ever and the conversation became an argument .
17 Not spectacularly , but in a workmanlike way , as if it was going to go on burning all day .
18 You mentioned Christopher , what er the last time it 's , I 'm going back a little while , the last time I was talking with Janet he , she was a bit unhappy , I think he was in er a teaching practice at the time and she was wondering how he was going to go on .
19 and I would have thought it was absolutely great , you know , he really , I would have though had a stimulating , challenging lovely environment to , to , to be in , I , I , I , I , I hoped that if he was going , I thought he was going to go on , it was just going to be very expensive tt paying his fees , his this
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