Example sentences of "be just [adv] strong " in BNC.

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1 They 're not as heavy , but they 're just as strong . ’
2 but they 're just as strong you see , the , the
3 If the surface of thick glass can be got smooth and kept smooth it will be just as strong as a thin fibre .
4 Class prejudices were just as strong , perhaps even stronger , at regional level .
5 What is more , the experimental results that have been taken to demonstrate that retrieval plays a part in latent inhibition can not demonstrate this failure to be the sole source of the effect — these experiments show that a CS-US association is indeed formed after latent inhibition training and can be revealed if the conditions of testing are appropriate ; they do not show convincingly that the association is just as strong as that formed in subjects given no pre-exposure to the target stimulus .
6 Much of the criticism , however , is directed against the nationalism of the developing countries — against Arab , African or Latin American nationalism , for example — which challenges in various ways the dominance of the industrial capitalist nations ; yet it is evident that nationalism is just as strong in the latter countries , though for good historical reasons ( they are long established , accepted nation states ) it may be less vehemently expressed .
7 The loyalty of Hertfordshire members is just as strong today .
8 The evidence of price competition between wines and spirits , within the UK domestic market , is just as strong .
9 Another day , another theatre , but the enthusiasm is just as strong as it was when he started as a raw Liverpudlian with his group the Pacemakers .
10 A month later , its impact had gone ; ‘ the war weariness is just too strong . ’
11 Sometimes , though , the urge to answer back is just too strong .
12 It 's just too strong .
13 But it 's just as strong for all the others as they toil away , unseen and unsung , Behind The Curtain .
14 But it seemed even that could do little more than dull the edges of the pain , and , when she woke up one morning with a painful hangover and realised the ache in her heart was just as strong as it had ever been , she swore she 'd never again attempt to deal with her sorrows that way .
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