Example sentences of "be an iron [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There 's a spring that was supposed to have healing powers and the remains of what might have been an Iron Age temple .
2 Excited to find she could just make out traces of narrow fields with dividing banks and walls , she ventured further towards a rounded mound which could well have been an Iron Age barrow , and just beyond it she found the standing stone , where she shivered pleasurably , her imagination running riot about the monolith 's precise function in the days when the settlement had been a live , thriving community .
3 Now the British response to the makers of those velvet revolutions will be an iron hand that signals ‘ Keep Out ’ .
4 What I think is , there 's an Iron Age settlement at the top of the Grove , and I think someone found this woman 's skull there , and made up a story about it , the way people do . ’
5 Below the clock is an iron hook holding a key ring , with a set of iron keys ( for locations 25 , 26 , 79 , 91 ) .
6 Projecting from the handle is an iron bar , somewhat twisted and corroded , which is curved at the broken end to form part of a semicircle .
7 There is an iron law of finance : the harder that financial folk campaign for something , the tougher the padlock you should put on your wallet .
8 The Man Catcher is an iron collar on a long pole .
9 ‘ Sandra Kettering is an Iron Lady when it comes to issuing commands . ’
10 The outside wheel is an iron breastshot unit locally made in Tewkesbury over a century ago , and replaced an older wooden one .
11 Moreover there is an iron fist in the velvet glove and Tanith Lee packs a hard punch ; for just below the surface of heraldic hyperbole and magical metaphor lurks the image of the monstrous woman .
12 At Trecynon , a suburb on the north-west side of the town , there is an iron bridge built in 1811 to carry products of the Abernant Ironworks on a tramway from the works to the Glamorgan Canal , and thence to the port at Cardiff .
13 In the view of the Director of the North East Wales Institute of Higher Education , there is an iron curtain separating public sector higher education in Wales from the University of Wales whose existence must be to the detriment of the young people of Wales .
14 At the Black Swan we come to Townsend and Hopabout Lane ( now Queen 's Road ) where there is an iron bollard bearing the words ‘ City of London ’ , one of the many brought as ballast from the Metropolis by the contractors Mowlem and Burt .
15 It was an iron bed with two folded blankets on it and a thin straw mattress .
16 And then there was an iron bar going from this plank , through the wall , and you could Er then this sort of a a pronged thing that was over the strap , you you could s push it over with that pu pulling the the plank up here .
17 There was an iron gate which looked rusted and stuck but which opened to a touch , a flight of stone steps to the water level , and then she let herself be led along a narrow shelf which from the look of it was usually under water .
18 One of my finds was an iron key in very good condition .
19 At the end , beneath a couple of mature coxes , was an iron table and stout wooden chairs .
20 In our station , the only facility was an iron cauldron of boiling water .
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