Example sentences of "be transform into [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Technique becomes expression and , with the addition of props such as paper crowns , masks and banners , relatives , friends and their babies are transformed into hierarchical beings .
2 On each level alternatives are transformed into compatible aspects of an all-inclusive Christian discourse which absorbs differences into a higher unity .
3 It is converted by our digestive tract into amino acids , which in turn are transformed into another form of protein which powers our systems .
4 Instead , meaning and order is imposed on our lives as our behaviour , experiences , thoughts , feelings , and so on , are transformed into statistical data and interpreted within a scientific framework to which we have no access unless we 've been trained in the technical language of psychology .
5 The former Laird School of Art in Birkenhead the first purpose-built art school in Britain has been transformed into prestigious offices by Stanton Marine , with the help of grants from the City Lands scheme .
6 It looks like a vat of unappetising porridge … but in two weeks time this mixture will have been transformed into two of the rarest beers in the country .
7 Following months of preparation , Liverpool 's St George 's Hall has been transformed into one of the most imposing venues in which Hamlet will ever be performed .
8 Four ordinary chairs have been transformed into inviting seats with simple loose covers .
9 Moreover , any initial support for the Japanese as ousters of Western imperialism had for the most part been transformed into armed nationalist movements anxious to oust the Japanese in their turn and achieve real independence .
10 But it is deeply revealing that in neither of these paintings are the revolutionary perspectival implications of the Demoiselles explored or developed , or indeed more than hinted at , and that in the Basel painting figures have been transformed into still life .
11 Nobody ever visited their house except through obligations , and such family celebrations as still persisted had been transformed into grim duties .
12 When the functions of the state had been reduced to routine accounting and control by the workers themselves , public functions would lose their political character ‘ and be transformed into simple administrative functions ’ ( p. 84 ) .
13 In a move which startled some Western observers , he proposed that state enterprises — 96 per cent of the country 's economy — should be transformed into joint stock companies in which the government would retain a controlling share , as a first step towards privatization .
14 Only after Coleridge returned from Shrewsbury , freed at last from immediate financial worry , could vague hopes be transformed into clearer intentions .
15 Churchyards should not only be the resting places for our bodies , but could , with very little effort , be transformed into glorious meadows buzzing with bees and butterflies — wildlife service stations in arable and urban deserts .
16 The segregationist view is based on the belief that the multiple and complicated impairments and changes that affect the victim of dementia require specialist help , that the number of sufferers involved tends to swamp integrated services , so causing resentment and rejection by staff or by the non-demented , and that past neglect can be transformed into future enthusiastic , well resources specialism .
17 And again by another series of screens the lecture hall can be transformed into two or three classrooms as occasion requires , each provided with a separate entrance . ’
18 His special theory of relativity predicted that mass should be a function of velocity and that mass and energy could be transformed into one another , and his general theory predicted that light rays should be bent by strong gravitational fields .
19 Van Dijk has analysed the language of racism , thereby building up a picture of modern ideology which pays particular attention to the way that elite messages can be transformed into ordinary discourse ( van Dijk , 1985b , 1987 ) .
20 Radiators can be transformed into colourful features painted in bold primaries to co-ordinate with a room 's scheme .
21 ‘ The promise was a future in which through a process of redefinition of the relationship between teacher , taught and knowledge , schools would be transformed into democratic institutions , teachers into research-based master craftsmen of a new professional tradition , and pupils [ invariably called ‘ students ’ by HCP ] into reflective scholars ' .
22 Masha had , in fact , learned the terrible lesson as the despicable pogroms developed into a policy of national hatred and persecution , later to be transformed into actual genocide and thence into the horrors of the Holocaust .
23 This important first publication emerged from part II of the series , in which Lennard-Jones has demonstrated how in molecules with symmetry the molecular orbitals could be transformed into equivalent orbitals , which differed only in their orientation in the molecule .
24 The relationship between state groups and civil society was thus fundamentally different from that in Britain , a point brought into focus by Linz 's comment that the ‘ access of the political elites , the military , bureaucrats , Catholics and Opus Dei to positions of economic power in the public sector , and increasingly in the private sector , poses the interesting and difficult question of the extent to which political power can be transformed into economic power rather than the reverse ’ ( 1981 : 392 – 30 ) .
25 Nevertheless , this , in one way or another , is what we then require the student to do ; the ineffable is to be transformed into efficient communication , whether in seminar discussion , an essay , or an examination answer .
26 By the late 1820s Geoffroy was arguing that one animal form could be transformed into another by natural processes — not by the accumulation of slight modifications , but by a sudden switching of the growth process so that the development of the individual proceeded in a new direction to mature as a new modification of the basic pattern .
27 This energy ( which comes from my dinner which comes ultimately from the sun and so on ) can be transformed into any of the many alternative forms of energy but it can not be destroyed .
28 But back in the US , the army would be transformed into three different groups .
29 When the London Mercers ' Company presented a petition attacking clerical malpractice to the first session of that parliament , Henry allowed it to be transformed into three statutes , which curbed abuses in the areas of pluralism and non-residence , and in the exaction of probate and mortuary fees .
30 Passive members could be transformed into active ones , they could take some of the strain off the present overworked committees .
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