Example sentences of "be exclude from [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The stigma of disqualification tends to linger on well past the point where offenders have served their official punishment , and they often continue to be excluded from law-abiding society rather than being reintegrated into it .
2 For children in primary and secondary schools , the issue has been how to make the national curriculum sufficiently flexible to accommodate children with special educational needs , while safeguarding their rights not to be excluded from mainstream education .
3 Run-off , it is to be excluded from other areas such as a carpeted restaurant adjacent to a kitchen , or production areas still working , may be controlled by the use of polythene tubes filled with sand or water and sealed at both ends .
4 It was decided that Ajax should forfeit the tie and thereafter be excluded from European competition for the next two seasons for which they qualify .
5 I do not share his view that it is inappropriate for it to be excluded from compulsory competitive tendering .
6 Are these children yet again , as they were in the past , to be excluded from normal education ?
7 The garbage picker may be excluded from real opportunities within the urban economy , but , nevertheless , his work is closely integrated into the modern economy .
8 It can not be excluded from regional security arrangements if stability is to be achieved in oil flows from Gulf oil producers .
9 In juvenile courts offenders may not be identified ; the public and press may be excluded from Official Secrets Act trials where the evidence relates to national security secrets , and the testimony given at committal proceedings usually can not be published until the trial is over , to avoid prejudicing the jury .
10 ‘ If any competitor goes around the course at a speed that is likely to give a faster than 1hr 50min finish time there will be real problems and it is likely that wheelchairs will be excluded from future London marathons . ’
11 In his opening address , EPRDF leader and acting head of state Meles Zenawi explained that " peaceful and democratic forces " which had failed to gain accreditation would not be excluded from future debate .
12 Mandela also said that nationalization did not mean that " the private sector would be excluded from certain areas of the economy " and that the ANC welcomed dialogue with business to ensure growth and equal distribution .
13 Will he give at least gentle guidance to LEAs suggesting that it is not reasonable for students to be excluded from discretionary grants merely because their parents have moved home ?
14 A special congressional committee investigating arms and drug smuggling recommended in late 1989 that certain prominent politicians and officials should be excluded from public life or dismissed , or barred from entering the country , because of their alleged connections with such activities .
15 There are people who should be excluded from high position .
16 6.4 There is again a significant prediction about syntactic behaviour that follows from the above account ; once again , we have in these adjectives a group which will be excluded from predicative position .
17 But , indeed , the whole general effect is to divorce Resident Tutors from the WEA ; the Resident Tutor would be excluded from urban areas , while on the other hand the WEA would be to say the least of it extremely circumscribed in rural areas .
18 Even if Republican members could somehow be excluded from sensitive parliamentary posts , their presence would embarrass both the Bundestag and the Federal Republic as a whole .
19 The function includes part of the competitive labour supply function , i.e. that segment of L s above and to the right of point B , but renders inoperative the remaining part , i.e. that segment of L s below and to the left of point B. Workers who are willing to work at less than the wage stipulated by trades unions ( w 1 in Figure 5.1 ) will be excluded from active participation in the labour market for as long as these powerful combinations maintain their stranglehold as monopoly suppliers of labour .
20 The conventional sociological reading of youth sub-cultures as resisting bourgeois cultural hegemony makes no sense of the casuals — they 're involved in a stylistic refusal to be excluded from dominant images of the good life .
21 explain this by looking at the political reasons why many women do not receive the pensions that would raise them economically ; that is , they are excluded from key decision-making structures .
22 Feminist lesbians reject the ideology but continue the practice , for fat women are excluded from current ‘ acceptable ’ images within the lesbian communities .
23 But he 's got no , as far as I can see he 's got no convincing argument that democracy will do better , but that does n't matter because he thinks that the decisive criticism of enlightened despotism is that it wo n't improve the moral or intellectual well-being of the citizens , but if people are excluded from political decision making , they will have no incentive to educate themselves or morally improve themselves , or he thinks if they do , if a despot does allow for the moral improvement of the citizens , then citizens will no longer accept despotism so that despotism is in a way self-defeating here and if it one of the proper functions of government it ca n't survive .
24 Aliens , i.e. those who are not British citizens , are excluded from public office and public functions such as the parliamentary franchise .
25 It is largely because of the work of the Popular Church that campesina women have not been excluded from rural trade unions but encouraged to participate .
26 They alleged widescale vote rigging and claimed that the names of opposition supporters had been excluded from electoral lists .
27 By this time , too , the citizens of Rome had been excluded from papal elections ; they had formed an important pressure group in the past .
28 The police had been excluded from prior knowledge of the arrests , but quickly built up an accurate picture .
29 It is significant that MicroGeneSys gp 160 has been excluded from recent trials of prophylactic vaccines .
30 It was these crafts — cordwainers , girdlers , fishmongers , wool-packers , for example — which formed the heart of the popular movement , having greatly expanded in numbers during the previous hundred years yet been excluded from political power and forbidden to organize by the aldermen .
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