Example sentences of "be lay [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 They 're laying down the footings for houses and then just leaving them .
2 This view shows the station still under construction and it will be seen that a temporary track has been laid up the ramp to Infirmary Road to enable materials to be offloaded .
3 Close inspection reveals that a strip of reverse grain timber has been laid down the centre in order to add strength — another old-fashioned idea and a good one , too .
4 Obviously for the average electrician , stockbroker , or humanities-trained academic to be laying down the law un the value of a human blood substitute from cows or the spread of BSE would , as things stand , be foolish .
5 Saw three fellows at the end of Royce Wood , who I found were laying out the plan for an iron rail way from Manchester to London .
6 Molly had been laying out the lunch on the terrace .
7 Those whose task it is to lay down the law on matters of ethics and morality need to ensure that their views are based on a wide knowledge of human institutions and their history .
8 The second is to lay down the ground-rules for generalizing from one set of conditions to another , for example , from the laboratory to the real world .
9 HARRODS is the least practical shop in the world , and this spring the top people 's store is laying out the trading mats with élan .
10 Act 1 scene 7. in which he is laying down the reasons to himself for not killing the king he even admits to himself that his ambition is very powerful ‘ vaulting ambition ’ .
11 But the joke was most unfair , for the Flynn system enabled Stevenson 's to lay out the line and start preparing the rail bed from a number of focal points along its path without waiting for survey engineers .
12 Coleman was buried at St James Church , Hampstead Road , where was laid also the animal and genre painter , George Morland ( 1763–1804 ) .
13 The Second Period was the time during which was laid down the evidence the nature of which has been revealed by men such as Charles Darwin and others , who gave to the world an understanding of the way in which evolution has operated through thousands of millions of years .
14 Ron , too , was laying down the law .
15 DURING the housing boom they used to say that the only contact an architect had with the design of many high-volume , speculative developments was to lay out the site so that the maximum number of little boxes could be squeezed in .
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