Example sentences of "be clear that what " in BNC.

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1 It should be clear that what is being suggested here is not the creation of new precincts as islands in the traffic-orientated city , or indeed the forcing of new pedestrian underpasses through the existing road net .
2 Berkeley held , as we have seen , that an abstract general idea is simply an idea of a particular thing used to stand for other such ideas ; and it is clear that what Hume applauds is Berkeley 's refusal to accept any ideas other than those of immediate and concrete experience .
3 Thus , it is clear that what we are in fact dealing with is an issue of political theory , the proper location of power and responsibility .
4 It is clear that what Bukharin had in mind here was that the ‘ town ’ must provide consumer goods and means of production to agriculture on such a scale as to make it worthwhile for the peasants to produce more than for their own immediate needs .
5 It is clear that what is necessary in such a case is research , not dogmatic and perfectly arbitrary claims , based on analogies to that small part of the experimental literature in which one happens to be interested .
6 With Rousseau and Robespierre it is clear that what is being offered is not a support for Christian belief , but a rival .
7 Conversely , in many contexts in western ‘ scientific ’ society , it is clear that what some writers have labelled ‘ non-scientific ’ thought is as evident as in non-western societies .
8 When the rosy spectacles are laid aside , it is clear that what to the husband and children can be a refreshing hobby — after all they are more often than not the consumers , not the producers , of the home-made jam — to the wife can be another variant of the natural mother image and in everyday terms can mean longer than ever hours at the chopping board .
9 It is clear that what is at issue here is more than geographical inequalities in the pattern of employment and unemployment , even in their broader social implications .
10 It is clear that what the courts have rejected in these cases is the suggestion of any inroad into the decision in Morgan .
11 In 1694 Jean Gailhard wrote a pamphlet urging that the annual commemoration of 30 January and 29 May be stopped , arguing that the sermons delivered on that day helped perpetuate the country 's political divisions , though it is clear that what he objected to was the fact that these days helped promote a Tory vision of government in Church and State , since he himself did not believe anything done during the reigns of Charles I or Charles II was worth commemorating .
12 Branson was not a record man , he was an entrepreneur ; and it was clear that what he wanted out of the record business were new and different opportunities .
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