Example sentences of "be consider the good " in BNC.

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1 Endoscopic ultrasound has been considered the best procedure for assessing the preoperative staging of oesophageal carcinoma but few studies have considered its efficacy in evaluating the response to chemo or radiotherapy .
2 November to March are considered the best months .
3 They 're considered the best talkers , and fetch high prices as pets .
4 They 're considered the best talkers , and fetch high prices as pets .
5 She was very religious and may have been considering the best approaches to make .
6 A prime minister might generally be considered the best candidate , but not if he has been dubbed ‘ the butcher of Beijing ’ .
7 When , in 1939 , The Architects ' Journal conducted a survey to find what were considered the best modern buildings in Britain , Battersea was placed second — and was the favourite of such unlikely celebrities as Sir Kenneth Clark , Rebecca West and Charles Laughton .
8 Contrary to popular belief , honesty is considered the best policy .
9 The lullabies and other songs are continued to soothe children , especially when they are in a bad mood ; but this age is considered the best time to teach the children how to use their hands in various spheres of tribal activities .
10 The first aim of the project is to consider the best approach to use to estimate the readership of a particular magazine , for example , in the present month .
11 Events there were taking much the same course as they had in Portugal , and as Mark had resolved that problem in double quick time , he was considered the best man to deal with this new problem situation .
12 Marrying a first cousin was considered the best possible arrangement .
13 Radiotherapy was considered the best option for treatment but before this could be started , rapidly progressive dysponea developed .
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