Example sentences of "be already [vb pp] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We are already pushed to complete a season if the weather is good .
2 The existing users of the buildings would also have to be rehoused , although some of the taxmen are already set to move to Nottingham under the Civil Service 's dispersal programme .
3 ’ magistrates are already required to state publicly their reasons for granting bail in serious cases .
4 For example , a number of future enhancements are already envisaged involving the inclusion of ideal body weight on the general practitioner review forms and an option for general practitioners to request review by a diabetes education nurse .
5 The stark truth is that thousands of families whose budgets are already stretched face financial ruin unless they moderate their Christmas spending .
6 The safety record in the private sector is worse , because it reflects the fact that those in the private sector are already forced to work longer hours .
7 Obviously some games are already designed to have unisex appeal .
8 Two other such joint exercises , involving marine and amphibious forces , were already scheduled to start on Aug. 3 .
9 The Danes , and the Swedes , were already perceived to pose a missionary problem in the ninth century ; their Christianization was one response to what would become known to historians as the Viking threat .
10 Many of those properties were either undergoing or awaiting major maintenance work or modernisation , some were already allotted to service families who were due to move in shortly and others were being considered for disposal .
11 Not surprisingly , those who were already established had little sympathy for this proposed redirec-tion of resources .
12 I thought for a while that the information would just go on accumulating from here on in , but thank God it 's already begun dropping off .
13 Erm actually I 've spoken to Ian at erm Newark TEC , and he 's already arranged to see me tomorrow afternoon .
14 And one report today claimed he 's already decided to make six estate staff redundant .
15 However , it 's already outlawed using the plates on public roads and now it 's to ban their sale .
16 A planning application to burn human clinical waste has been refused , but the man who runs the crematorium says it 's no different to burning animal waste , which he 's already allowed to do .
17 Ben 's already tried to get one of his christmas presents , to get it out the box .
18 He 's already tried to have me arrested once — that 's how we met , believe it or not . ’
19 As Garry 's already mentioned started back in nineteen eighty five and delivered its first products in eighty seven .
20 It 's an unscheduled stop , but he 's already managed to get clearance .
21 As thousands of schoolchildren have been kept at home in south Wales and the West Country , the epidemic is already believed to have claimed two young victims — Daniel Warrior , aged seven , from Bracknell , Berks , who died after his younger sister and mother both had flu last week , and 16-month-old Louise Allen , from Hemel Hempstead , Herts , who died in hospital on Saturday .
22 Abbado , 56 , who is already said to have inherited the mantle of Toscanini , was chosen out of a large field which included such names as Lorin Maazel , Bernard Haitink , Seiji Ozawa , Daniel Barenboim and Zubin Mehta .
23 In the meantime IBM is already said to have sold a number of Sparc-based models , and may have its own version ready by year-end .
24 Erm you do realize this ham is already cooked do n't you ?
25 Where A makes a promise to B in consideration of B doing or promising to do something which he is already bound to do by reason of a duty imposed upon him by law , whether by a Statute or otherwise : for instance , the duty of a local police authority to afford adequate protection to A and his property ;
26 Where A makes a promise to B in consideration of B doing or promising to do something which he is already bound to do under a contract with A ;
27 Where A makes a promise to B in consideration of B doing or promising to do something which he is already bound to do under a contract with C.
28 In cases ( a ) and ( b ) where the thing promised or performed is precisely the thing which the promisor is already bound to do and no more , and there is no dispute that he is bound to do it , there is said to be no consideration or only illusory consideration for the new promise , and it is not enforceable .
29 In our opinion , in all three cases , a promise made by A to B in consideration of B doing or promising to do something which he is already bound to do should be enforced by the law , provided that in other respects such as legality and compatibility with public policy it is free from objection ; thus a promise in return for an agreement by a police authority to give precisely the amount of protection it was by law bound to give and no more should be unenforceable as being against public policy .
30 The well-known cases which have been cited at the Bar in support of the position , that a promise , based on the consideration of doing that which a man is already bound to do , is invalid , apply to this case ; and it is not necessary , in order to invalidate the consideration , that the plaintiff 's prior obligation to afford that consideration should have been an obligation to the defendant .
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