Example sentences of "be believe to be " in BNC.

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1 The victims , who 're believed to be in their late twenties and from the Hereford area were both travelling in the car .
2 The hereditary caste of Guardians must ( Plato says ) be believed to be originally golden while the other castes are of various baser metals , and the various metals ought not to be mixed together .
3 Supervising the diggers was a large man he recognised as the Irish-Scandinavian bishop from Saxony whose name be believed to be Hrolf .
4 1 in 500 Londoners are believed to be infected .
5 ‘ Ali Muhammad al-Akrami , al-Ajili Muhammad ‘ Abdul Rahman al-Ashari , ‘ Ali Muhammad al-Qajji , Salih Omar al-Qasbi , Muhammad al-Saadiq al-Tarhouni and ‘ Abdul Qadir Muhammad al-Ya'qubi are believed to be in Abu Salim Prison in Tripoli , although AI received reports that ‘ Abdul Qadir Muhammad al-Ya'qubi had died at the end of 1988 .
6 Many English stick dances , like those elsewhere , are believed to be ancient rituals in which the performers are enacting some job necessary for the well-being of the community .
7 Company sources said yesterday that British Aerospace and Thomson , who are believed to be negotiating a joint proposal , had not yet put anything to Ferranti which counted as a firm offer .
8 Potential suitors are believed to be holding off from making outright bids for fear that there may be further black holes in Ferranti 's balance sheet .
9 If all goes smoothly , she now has the chance to become the first ‘ young British designer ’ to be internationally recognised ( oddly , in the fashion business , designers are believed to be as young as their clothes look , which , in Hamnett 's case , is about 19 ) .
10 TENS OF thousands of phantom azalea bushes and geraniums are believed to be alive and growing in the gardens of Northern Ireland after the discovery of alleged false accounting .
11 The club however are believed to be in no hurry to agree until he proves his fitness .
12 Children are believed to be more vulnerable than adults , who are thought to have built up an immunity after a similar , but much less virulent virus appeared last year .
13 It claims that ‘ several hundred , whose names are unknown , ’ are believed to be in prison .
14 At least half are believed to be switched off by remote control every night .
15 Fears about the threat of more deportations in the near future are believed to be behind the resistance to the police action .
16 Official projections of the spread of Aids have mercifully been revised downwards , but around 50,000 are believed to be infected in Britain , and the disease is pandemic in parts of Africa .
17 Several directors are believed to be unhappy that he has kept details of the negotiations from them .
18 The banks are believed to be reaching the point where their capital will fall below the minimum required under rules imposed by the Bank for International Settlements .
19 Salaries are believed to be above NHS levels .
20 They are still at large and Scotland Yard has not ruled out their possible involvement in the latest attacks , but they are believed to be firearms specialists rather than bomb makers .
21 This house and Palazzo Durini ( see page 126 ) are believed to be the first two town houses to have been built in the city after the population had been decimated by plague in 1630 , when , it was thought , as many as 70,000 Milanese died .
22 About 1000 white people are believed to be infected .
23 In fact , stability testing is a predictive procedure based on data obtained from products stored under conditions which are believed to be likely to accelerate changes occurring at market conditions .
24 Very occasionally true flames are seen , usually small and faint , and these are believed to be produced by the burning of hydrogen gas escaping from the magma .
25 Although certain oils are believed to be ‘ uplifting ’ , ‘ sedative ’ or ‘ anti-depressant ’ , it is not always as straightforward as this .
26 These olfactory cells , are long and narrow with their length perpendicular to the plane of the nasal cavity and attached to each are five , six even eight olfactory hairs , or ‘ flagella ’ , which are believed to be affected by odorous materials , setting off a chain of events which results in the odour being perceived .
27 Within this context , however , Coot are believed to be fairly common .
28 Most meteorites are believed to be fragments of collisional debris from asteroids , but there is some evidence that carbonaceous chondrites may be stony masses released from the icy nuclei of comets , which lose their frozen binding material as they orbit close to the sun .
29 Teeth are believed to be a more accurate indicator of exposure to lead than blood , which fluctuates from month to month .
30 These terminal direct repeats are believed to be generated by the mechanism through which migrating transposons reinsert themselves into the chromosomal DNA .
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