Example sentences of "be possible for [det] " in BNC.

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1 The two major problems involved are related to the spelling changes that can occur when morphemes combine and the multiple segmentations that are possible for many words .
2 Census of Production figures are not disagreeable to the spatial levels which are possible for those from the Censuses of Population and Employment .
3 Although SAVE believes that alternative uses are possible for most types of buildings , including churches , the Holy Name was an exception and our fears for its future increased with rumours of purchase offers from McDonald 's .
4 For , suppose we know that the main variable of interest in the study varies much less within strata than overall , then much more precise estimates are possible for this variable .
5 It has been possible for many of us , for example , to respond to dance from quite other cultures , and to sculpture , carving and painting not only from other cultures but from other , often very remote , times .
6 On the other hand , Kemp was a lightly-built , light-boned man , and it would have been possible for most people here , let us say — anyone reasonably mobile , reasonably fit — to have moved that body at least some small distance .
7 However , they were originally scheduled for different nights , but it has always been possible for this scenario to arrise , so why did n't they just schedule the matches to be played at the same time no matter what ?
8 It has been possible for some time to cruise down the Nile , or stay in some of the jewelled and painted palaces of Moghul India , or walk along the Great Wall of China .
9 ‘ That has been possible for some time .
10 For National Certificate modules it has been possible for some time to approve alternative outcomes , under certain circumstances , for students with special needs of all kinds .
11 Even if a coordinated approach to transition is difficult to achieve it should be possible for all concerned to agree a broad range of aims for transition .
12 Different types of pupil will gravitate towards different sub-topics , but all will have the common link of starting from the same stimulus ; it will be possible for all children to contribute to whatever may be the concluding feature , such as an exhibition , poster or class booklet .
13 In that context , the designation by article 5(1) of the Convention of the courts for the place of performance of the obligation in question expresses the concern that , because of the close links created by a contract between the parties thereto , it should be possible for all the difficulties which may arise on the occasion of the performance of a contractual obligation to be brought before the same court : that for the place of performance of the obligation .
14 I hope it will be possible for all questionnaires to be returned by 30th September 1985 at the latest , but if in practice this is likely to cause problems , I shall of course be happy to receive them a little later .
15 Although some of these defects might eventually be treatable by gene therapy , this would never be possible for all of them , and prevention is in any case better than cure .
16 Though the rich legacy of an extensive black presence on this continent suggests that it may be possible for many commentators , the terms ‘ black ’ and ‘ European ’ remain categories which mutually exclude each other .
17 ‘ What is certain is that the new legislation does provide an opportunity for all VAT exempt businesses to take a close look at their activities and it may be possible for many to commence receiving substantial repayments of VAT .
18 And I like to think in fifty or a hundred years ' time it will not be possible for any orchestra to play sloppily and claim that it is not possible to do better .
19 Would it be possible for any such unit of paid council employees to negotiate with the local state the demands and needs of the oppressed ?
20 It would be possible for these records to be analysed in order to produce statistics at the Local Authority level , which could then be used to improve the specificity of the estimates .
21 According to the World Health Organization it may soon be possible for these disorders to be controlled or even eliminated — but since there is no cure , this can only mean by early detection in the fetus and abortion .
22 As described in Section 3.3 , if it is possible for real particles to pass through them , then it will be possible for those particles to subsequently look back and observe the naked singularity in region IV .
23 In parallel , and in the shorter-term , acceptance will still be possible for those over 30 years of age with appropriate and verified management experience over a period of at least five years .
24 My Lords , I , I do realise and I have to be satisfied with that erm and I shall do my best , but if I could just make my absolutely clear , simple proposition that I was seeking to perform is that if you are seeking to amend the law i i it ought to be possible for those who are seeking to understand the Government 's intentions to find out relatively easily what the law is and I suggest it 's very far from easy and even if you get to it , it 's not at all easy to understand .
25 If speech is represented bilaterally in left handers , then it should be possible for this to be demonstrated in individual left handers .
26 from what you 've told us , it would be possible for this aircraft to be so multi mission it could replace the whole of the front line er R A F fast jet strain , could that be true ?
27 Since it may not be possible for both sets of belief to be realised in action , if the courses of action are incompatible , it may be rational for one person to give up his/her autonomy .
28 It should therefore be possible for some colleges , particularly those whose staff have played a substantial role in the development , to use the material produced and offer new courses based on HN Units in session 1989–90 .
29 So not every teacher was one hundred per cent successful with mixed ability teaching , but I do n't think one can ever expect that with a new method and I think now that the system has been running for a number of years in the school that it 's possible for each department to support new members of staff and introduce them to the appropriate methods and approaches to mixed ability classes .
30 I think that now that the system has been running for a number of years in the school that it 's possible for each department to support new members of staff and introduce them to the appropriate methods and approaches to mixed ability classes .
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