Example sentences of "be probably [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 They 're probably even clearer if you take this copy of my er which I 'll leave by the door and er we 'll carry on next week .
2 And that would be you know companies you 're probably already familiar with , you know people like M and G , erm Fidelity , erm er .
3 energy council , I 'm not make a bid , we 've just , er we 've just heard , what I think is a , is an example of enlightened and model practice , so praise is on the superfluous , but I think we 're probably not typical of of the business sector in being so enlightened , and my question is only a wide one , and it is this .
4 to cover a wee bit of ground here , I 'm just trying to make a point to you about how many closes you 're probably not aware for the minute , these are only a few of them , right , similar situation close , right , lost sale close , right the did n't I cover that close
5 The guitar itself , as you 're probably well aware , is a basic Les Paul shape in natural mahogany with no binding whatsoever , and the pickup selector is down just above the volume and tone pots .
6 Erm well if if we I mean you 're you 're probably fairly clear about the archaeology area
7 At the time of creating the formula you 're probably fairly clear about how it works , but several weeks or months later , you 've forgotten an awful lot .
8 Now , the er , whilst we can not expect them to adopt say our ideals , because we are er , you know , we 're probably more modernised in lots of ways , but we can set a standard which they work towards , and er , he mentioned about the fact that people er , the unemployment 's coming down a lot with the jobs , they 're just part-time jobs , and they 're very cheap paid jobs , and very er bad conditions for a lot of people as far as health and safety goes .
9 You 're probably very proud of your masterpiece , and erm , there 's ot there 's the temptation to keep making minor improvements , just to make it a bit better .
10 No , they 're probably still brown !
11 IF you 're old enough to read this then you 're probably too old to appreciate Drop Dead Fred .
12 You 're probably about five foot seven are n't you ?
13 If your mind is on the new member of the family you 're probably less likely to concentrate on your own aches and pains , regardless of whether they are physical or psychological .
14 And they 're probably quite right .
15 And I think you 're probably quite right you eighty three !
16 You 're probably quite sure what you want from love and romance in the weeks ahead !
17 You 're probably quite prepared to stomach the fact that I 've slept with girls before you , you 'd think it odd if I had n't , but if you ca n't see that a baby makes a difference to how much other affairs matter , I ca n't explain it to you . "
18 I reckon they 're probably really good live actually .
19 Erm I think probably yes the debate has been probably as extensive as it needs to be .
20 The diversity of form and behaviour among the several thousand species of fish in the world is enormous , but there are probably just two , very different , examples of tool use among them .
21 However , both these irritating points disappeared once the buoyancy aid was soaked and are probably just due to the materials being new and stiff .
22 There are probably also many minor licensing decisions where no element of fairness is accorded , particularly with respect to licences granted by local authorities .
23 If instead of paid work , you are thinking of becoming self-employed or setting up a business , you will not only have the start-up costs but , as you are probably well aware , very few new enterprises make a profit during the first two or three years .
24 My own conclusions , which in this case are probably completely worthless , are that this ticking represents a period of grace — I mean that it can not explode — as long as the ticking lasts and that it 's not designed to explode when the ticking stops but is then activated and ready to explode when triggered by passing engines .
25 Compared with poetic devices like metaphor , they are probably rather mundane .
26 say that women have been discriminated against for so long that they just have n't had the opportunities to rise up through the ranks , and if they are ever going to achieve the kind of representation that they ought to achieve just by the sheer numbers that the represent in the population , apart from the quality , and there are a lot of people who would say that women are probably rather superior erm to a lot of men at an equal level
27 The described series of devices , which can be manufactured from inexpensive materials , most of which are probably already present in the laboratory , yields better shielding than traditional plexiglass screens .
28 The June issue of Tennis World was no exception , with letters and articles giving both sides of the picture being published ; the only problem is that , in their own way , they are probably both right .
29 Like most works that over-reach themselves by striving for unattainable seriousness they are probably simply bad .
30 Thus the alternate routes could be seen either as a personality pathway or an experience pathway , which are probably closely interrelated .
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